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� Action World
Since June 21/99

-Im not dead!
-Front Line Force
-Who needs a subject?
-Holy Hell Do I Have An Update For You
Site Updates
-Brought back from the dead
Spot Light
Nightmare has interviewed the leaders of Clan RAV, an OGL clan. Check out Recoil for the full story.
Pic of the Day
I wish this feature was in AQ2
What would you like to see more?
Action News
Clan News


Action World Graphics done by ViperX

Friday, February 23, 2001

Im not dead! | @ 17:48 | Nightmare

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth, but I haven't updated in WAAAAAYYYY too long. This update is focused on mods, so here:

Half Life:
Go get this mod, right now, or I will rip off your face - Day Of Defeat DoD is addicting like crack rocks...not that I know about crack addiction or anything..

If you don't have Firearms by now, there's no excuse for that blatant disregard of a good mod..get it.

War In Europe is a fun mod from a while back, it kind of disappeared for some reason, but maybe if enough people get it, it'll get some more servers like it used to have and we can all enjoy it again.

Quake 3:

Navy Seals Quake 3 is chugging along...should turn out nice.

For those of you who do not yet have Urban Terror then go pick it up, jackass.

Check out Modern Combat

Give True Combat a try.

Weapons Factory was fun for quake2, and it's as much fun on q3.

Full Metal Jacket. Check it out, FMJ for q3!

Corkscrew is extremely fun.

Get Gods Of War

Also, check out Alliance

Unreal Tournament:

Strike Force is a nice mod; go check it out.

Holy shit, cannot wait for Doom3 and The GeForce3

If you have Opposing Force like I do, click on that link to get the new patch.


Brian likes little boys...not men...little boys.

[Category: Mods]
[Source: none]

Sunday, November 26, 2000

Front Line Force | @ 1:16 | Nightmare

Go grab this mod, its EXTREMELY cool and addicting...I am hooked....It's called Front Line Force (If you couldn't tell already :P ) Just head over to The Front Line Force Page and Go To Downloads Well I am a LPB now, with a rockin DSL connection, so I'll be able to do better/more reviews now, because now I will have more time, since I am not downloading off of a 56k piece of garbage.

Get the new

Counter Strike Update, as well as the Half Life Update

For a little Unreal Tourney news...

get the new
That's not a direct download link, neither of them are, but you go select your own mirror :) Strike Force version 1.55 in .exe

or, if you prefer The Zip Version

That's all for today

[Category: Mods]
[Source: Front Line Force]

Monday, November 13, 2000

Erg | @ 0:38 | Nightmare

Well, got an e-mail from a mapping group, go check out their site...I know I know, I've left action world unattended for a while now, but I am back so It's ok...going to try to get full access so maybe we can get some files up here and I can upload stuff instead of just doing news. Well here is a link to the mapping group Never Say Never.
I'll do a better update tomarrow, and I'll be doing regular updates now. Cya.

[Category: ActionWorld]

Tuesday, September 26, 2000

Who needs a subject? | @ 22:15 | Nightmare

Well, my e-mail address changed, so If you have sent me an e-mail since about 2 weeks ago, I haven't gotten it. Sorry :) Click my name to send me e-mail to my new address, or hover over it to find it's secret identity! :) I now manage two websites and a clan, so things have been pretty hectic for me lately, with school added in there too. Here's the download lowdown.
New Q3 Point Release

Strike Force 1.5 Came Out Today

CS Bot Manager..For All Those Offline Bots You Know You Love

Now for the verbal updating.
Some changes for CS beta 8 may include 3 new weapons: FN Five seveN (Pistol for CT's Only) H&K UMP .45 (Submachine Gun) SIG SG-550 Sniper (Rifle for CT's Only.) The SG1 Semi Auto Sniper Rifle is going to be made T only, And the new SIG SG-550 will become the CT semi auto rifle. Also heard that valve will be improving the player models. None of these are concrete, but they could be, or something similar.
Quake3 Is going to have usable gun turrets, that could be pretty sweet, or pretty lame.
Gamespot did a preview on the up and coming game Hitman.
Ladies and gentlemen, GOODNIGHT!

If you have a story you think is worthy of being on here, send it to me through e-mail, and If I use it (If you send it to me before I hear of it elsewise) then I'll mention you sent it in.

[Category: Other]

Saturday, September 2, 2000

Holy Hell Do I Have An Update For You | @ 15:54 | Nightmare

GRRRRRRr. I just spent AN HOUR typing up a GREAT update with tons of mods, and guess what just happened....I hit a keyboard shortcut to back, and now it's gone. So now you're just going to get a bunch of links to mods and instead of having little comments for them you're just getting the links. Nyah :P For Quake 3...

Rocket Arena 3
Download The IRC integration for RA3
Elite Showdown
Navy Seals
Streets Of Crime (looks VERY aq2 and cs put together)
Elite Squad Arena (from the makers of SOC)
Moving to Unreal Tournament....
Strike Force

Now for a QUICK bit of news.
Counter Strike is getting a commercial release, meaning that you can buy it in stores in a box. In that box will be other modes of play such as regular HL single player, multi, TFC, etc. Don't have a price range but I assume it won't be more than other any other boxed half life.
Now that I think about it, I spent more than an hour and a half on that post that got deleted. Oh well, there are your links, go check out the mods, and for the ones with beta's, download 'em and give 'em a try.

[Category: Mods]

Sunday, August 27, 2000

Counter Strike Beta 7 | @ 0:11 | Nightmare

Well, Beta 7 came out today for counter-strike and it looks good so far. The akimbo beretta's are a very welcome addition to the game, and from what I hear from friends, they kick major ass.However, the drivable vehicle addition is by far the largest addition to the mod. While it's not in full usage yet and only really on one map, I see a bright future for this aspect of the game.

Oh, and it has a new menu system.

In other news, I am going to start doing the clan spotlight again, and things kinda went off-track there for a while but it should be coming back to normal pretty soon here, kramed pulled a dissapearing act on me and went camping in the woods or something, but hes back now, and Ill get that phantom clan spotlight that never was up here some time.

Akimbo Beretta's and new menu system.

Drivable Vehicle

Another Drivable Vehicle Shot

Yet Another Drivable Vehicle Shot

Yet Another Drivable Vehicle Shot

[Category: Mods]
[Source: Counter Strike]

Wednesday, August 16, 2000

Lack Of Updates | @ 16:50 | Nightmare

Well, as you can see, I haven't updated in a while. I was SUPPOSED to have that clan spotlight up and another goodie which was a GK2K (greasy keyboards 2000) interview with homosaurus, but seeing as GK2K is now gone, it wouldn't do much good now would it? Maybe I'll do another one with him having highlights of GK2K or something. If you don't know what GK is, its where a bunch of AQ2'rs get together in the canadian woods, eat tons of bacon, play paintball, and I've heard rumors of pr0n viewing (seen a picture too, you can't deny it!) :) Well, back to my point, the reason is that kramed is the one to upload the interviews, and kramed has not been around in god know's how long....I have no clue as to where he is but I hope he gets back soon. If he's just too lazy to get on ICQ then SHAME ON YOU KRAMED.

[Category: ActionWorld]

Monday, August 7, 2000

Clan Spotlight (or lack thereof) | @ 6:50 | Nightmare

Well I was supposed to to clan spotlight yesterday, but I've had a really screwed up schedule lately and didn't have time, sorry. But I will get one up hopefully by the end of today.

[Category: ActionQuake2]

Saturday, August 5, 2000

Urban Terror and others | @ 20:17 | Nightmare

Urban Terror for Quake 3 came out today, and from what I've heard its bad; savable, but bad for the moment. Go check it out for yourself here. Firearms Release Candidate 2.2 for Half-Life has been out for a little while, but I feel that I should link to it anyway, because I think this mod is pretty badass. Go grab it here. In some AQ2 news, I am currently working on a replacement model for the knife, which will be a spoon. It's not skinned, and it's not fully animated yet, but I'm dedicated to making this work. Check it out here. (you have to copy the URL and paste it into the "URL box" because we all know how cool angelfire is) I'm trying to figure out a way for you people to send me files so we can put em up on the site, and until I can, send them through ICQ to me at 16944414. That was going to be my other topic anyway, you people need to start sending in stuff so we can have a good library of skins and replacement models! Bastages! That's all for now, but remember, tomorrow brings another Sunday, which means a new clan will be in the spotlight.

[Category: Other]

Thursday, August 3, 2000

It's All Over | @ 19:08 | Nightmare

Well, I'm sure you have all heard about the whole 20ID "force field" scandal,if you want to call it a scandal anyway, and if you're one of those people last to know everything, but read this page, here's an update.

The OGL, after conversations via e-mail to people such as John Carmack, has decided not to take any action against 20ID and things will be resuming as normal now. However, we did have a brief scare with kramed, who took down Hooter Hut and Match-O-Rama. While I agree with the reasoning behind taking them down, I was very sorry to see them go for others. But, as I am told by Gleaker, they are back all daboyz servers we all know and love are in full swing. Nothing really happening around the action scene lately other than that, but then again I just returned today from a trip to San Antonio, Texas..for 4 or 5 days...ugh.

In other news, a new counter-strike server side patch has been out for quite a while now(July 26,) so go check it out here. I'm looking forward to the beta7 release.

On a slightly MOD-ified action note, Urban Terror, which is simply defined as AQ2 for Q3(although there are differences,) is looking promising, and the first beta comes out this Saturday(august 5th.)Go check this one for sure.

Quakcon is going on right now in Dallas...and I am only 2 hours away from it, but can't go. Truly a shame, but you can head over to Planet Quake and check out the coverage for yourself.

[Category: Other]

Sunday, July 30, 2000

Clan Spotlight | @ 23:39 | Nightmare

This Weeks Clan Spotlight Clan is........{RAV}, which stands for Random Acts of Violence. The Website is incase you don't see it below on the source. :) The leaders are: zerov, Drewskee, and Severe. If you want their ICQ numers they're all on the roster section of the {RAV} webpage. I did an interview with zerov and Severe which you can check out here. On the page it says they're currently recruiting snipers, so if you're a sniper, and think you have some talent, go check em out if you think this clan is for you!(read the interview first of course, seeing as it has all the info about the clan) All my personal experiences with the clan have been good ones, so make sure and check out {RAV}!

And at QBall's request...QBall is "ultra-sexy"...he's not in {RAV}, but he wanted me to say it anyway for some reason :)

[Category: ActionQuake2]
[Source: Clan {RAV}]

First Day On | @ 21:43 | Nightmare

Well some of you might have seen me around, on message boards, or in-game, I go by ]20iD[Nightmare, and I'm gonna be bringing you guys all sorts of action news. I just came up with a new idea for action world, It's going to be "Clan Spotlight," where we will put a clan on spotlight each week, tell what they're all about, link to their page, and try to have an interview with the leader, so if any of you clanless people are looking for a good clan, you can come look at Clan Spotlight and see which clan is right for you! If you want your clan to be on Clan Spotlight then ICQ me at 16944414, or click my name to e-mail me at :)

[Category: ActionWorld]

JA | @ 18:17 | kramed

This site has re-opened.

[Category: ActionWorld]

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