Clan Spotlight | @ 23:39 | Nightmare
This Weeks Clan Spotlight Clan is........{RAV}, which stands for Random Acts of Violence. The Website is incase you don't see it below on the source. :) The leaders are: zerov, Drewskee, and Severe. If you want their ICQ numers they're all on the roster section of the {RAV} webpage. I did an interview with zerov and Severe which you can check out here. On the page it says they're currently recruiting snipers, so if you're a sniper, and think you have some talent, go check em out if you think this clan is for you!(read the interview first of course, seeing as it has all the info about the clan) All my personal experiences with the clan have been good ones, so make sure and check out {RAV}!
And at QBall's request...QBall is "ultra-sexy"...he's not in {RAV}, but he wanted me to say it anyway for some reason :) [Category: ActionQuake2]
[Source: Clan {RAV}]