Welcome to the Action World Skins Page, the place to get great skins for great modifications.

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Thursday, September 2 Real Life....Ack Shingy  
Its been a busy week, cause I'm now back in school. Ahh, the joys of real life. Well, the reason for me posting is just to let you know, I am around and I do have skins. When I get some free time, I will be posting 11 Counterstrike skins, and finally 2 Action HL skins. Well, thats all for now, check back soon for the update.

Saturday, August 28 Huge Counterstrike Skin Update Shingy  
So far got alot of skins. The thing is they were from three people total. Its good that they sent in alot of skins, but other people need to send some in too. One thing I am going to require from now on is a screenshot of your skin. It can be ingame, or in the model viewer, whatever looks better. Also, I would suggest you including a readme telling who the author the skin is as well as if it can be distributed on sites other then this one.

There is one Terrorist skin, five Urban skins, one USP skin, and six Desert Eagle skins.

Every skin has a pic that you can view before you decide to download it or not. Also, all the skins are for Beta2, since I'm sure everyone is playing it. Enjoy your skins, and keep them rolling in.

Wednesday, August 25 Grand Re-Opening !! Shingy  
Finally, after alot of reorganzing and a little revamping, this section is back up. You guys wouldn't believe how unorganized this section got. I'm no neat freak, but it was rediculous.

In the past this section has never really been to good, but I am going to change this. There will be tons of player and weapon skins, as well as skin paks for Action Quake2, Action Half-Life, and Counterstrike.

As you browse through our selection, some skins that may have been there before are no longer there. That is because the file wasn't on the ftp to begin with. So if you submitted a skin and it isn't here, please email me and let me know, and we will get it up once again. I have also gotten rid of all the Counterstrike skins. I did this for two reasons. One, there was a problem with "stolen" skins before and I don't want to see that happen again, and also because new skins have to be made that will work with the Beta2 models.

So, in closing, I would like to thank everyone for visiting this section. If anyone has any skins they want posted, don't hesitate to send them my way. Even if you think your skin sucks, I might think it is awesome. Well, I look forward to this section growing.

Thats all for now, so stay tuned...


Action World.
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