ProMagnoN's AQ2 Modification page
The ProMagnoN Custom AQ2 Mod page
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Important note: You need to have Action Quake 2 already installed to play this!
If you dont already have it, follow the related sites link to the Action Quake 2 homepage
Whats new in this version (1.09)
- Lots of bug fixes
- Crushers and doors work again FOR SURE!
- Gunners give ya better stuff
- Overflowing on level fact2 fixed FOR SURE! ( Doh! I found out why, there were 2 reasons. )
What is this?
This is a modification for Action Quake 2. Action Quake 2 brings real-life weaponary to the Quake 2
environment. This modification allows you to use those changes to fight against the stroggs, along with some
other chages as well (nothing too drastic or gameplay-altering).
What does it contain?
The current version has the following features, over and above the features already present in AQ2 (Action Quake 2):
- Single player mode, with enemies having AQ2 style weaponary, including the much feared sniper rifle.
- A new teamplay scoring method, giving points for damage caused and subtracting points for damage received.
- Distance-Modified shotgun blasts so that at very long and medium long ranges the shot gun's blast doesn't do
as much damage as it would at point blank.
- The ability to ignore someone. Type /ignore [name] to ignore them and nothing they say will grace your
ears again until you say /ignore nobody. They are made aware that you are ignoring them in order to
avoid wasted conversation. If they change names it will still ignore them. You can also type /ignore
alone, to get the current person you are ignoring's name, if any.
- Deathmatch remains the same, so server ops can use this patch without worrying.
- Better effects for head shots.
- A hellavalot more, including co-op mode...
Where can I get it?
Right here. Click on the below link to get the latest version, version 1.07, or visit my files page, linked
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ppl have looked.