12.10.99 |
First a bit of news. As most of you undoubtedly know I am now
working at the AHLMD. I am also now working an ungodly amount
of hours at my real life job, which is obviously going to cut
into my free time. I am not sure at this point what the relationship
between the 2 sites will be. I'll post more on this at a later
Ok I am putting up the much awaited hospital map clinic1
from Promagnon. I also have Bulletbait's new map bbcity.
Please note linux hates uppercase filenames so please have all
filenames in the zip in lowercase.
11.29.99 |
Woohoo, Oddjob finally made a showing at the lan I co-host. Got
to see Krycheck beat him to a bloody pulp too. Have to give him
some credit though, he was playing on my machine, with a trackball,
and as an lpb for the first time. We spent quite a bit of time
playing AHL beta 3 and a good time was had by all. For anybody
who lans out there I do want to pass on this tidbit, The internet
connection sharing program that ships with Win98 second edition
is pretty damn hot. Once you have it set up it will act as a DHCP
(automatic ip's) server for the lan. If you have a spare system
it's well worth setting up for a lan, it improved network performance
I noticed this morning that Bartender had madee a pretty positive
post about beta 2.5 on the BS board. Since this was his first
time playing AHL, that was good to hear. It seems more and more
old timers are trickling over from AQ and I predict with the release
of Beta 3, Action Half-life will convert even more players over.
I do have a new map for you guys in the form of bxht
from BunnyX. I actually got it sometime last week, but I have
just been to preoccupied with other things.
that's all for today
11.17.99 |
HolyGoat has asked that I post the dojobeta
map so that he can get some more feedback.
11.16.99 |
Hadn't realized it had been this long since I updated. Well I
want to take care of some actual news before I get on to the new
maps. There are apparently some problems at the site I was using
to store my AQ2 maps and well the mirror I had setup, isn't there.
Not quite sure what's gonna happen, but it may be awhile until
I find another server to house the maps. Following this topic
a bit farther along, I will also be taking the unofficial maps
down due to a lack of space. Anything on the unofficial list that
you need feel free to email me and I will send it to you.
The lack of space is due in part to the growing number of AHL
maps. (which we should be seeing even more of soon) I have also
recently encountered the Great Conflict, ie. finding a balance
between gaming, school and work. Notice I did not include sleep.
It also turns out that I am paying a bit more attention in class
(at 14 grand a year you can be damn sure I am going to pay attention.)
Last week KaRRiLLioN, gave me and many others a chance to help
beta test his new map Actrail, and I gotta say this map kicks
ass, and uh Karr, HURRY UP. heheh. Since I have also spent a fair
amount of time playing innercity2 I can say this about it... it
huge, easily one of the biggest maps I have ever played. I can
see a whole bunch of possibilities for this maps when goals are
included in Beta3.
I'm going to go ahead an put ahl_metro
(by Lodo) up for download, one thing with this map is that the
tfc wad is required to play it. If you don't know already this
is the first map made available with the goals activated, its
uses he rule set from the "hunted" scenarios for TFC.
I have also added a map that has actually been out for awhile
and is just now reaching the Mapzone... 110ThSt
by Zebedee. I also just had hotel2
sent to me by DrumDude.
One last thing before I finish up for tonight; Hal9k has asked
me to pass on some very important info to the mappers out there.
When creating your zip files, make sure the bsp's are in lower
case, Linux users have a problem with uppercase letters so he
would appreciate it if you would comply with this.
11.2.99 |
Just got innercity2
from the Octave Doctor. Wish I had time to say more, but I have
to take off for school, and then I get to spend 8 fun filled hours
at work after that. Isn't life grand.
11.1.99 |
Today we have the release of bxtrain3
from BunnyX.
Now as further proof that Georgia Tech AHL is where it's at;
AtomicZZ9PZA, the server-op, has put some of the newest maps in
rotation. (first OP that I know of to do so) Further more, anybody
who plays on the server with the sole purpose of being a TK'er
is the worst sort of scum to exsist. I don't need to name names,
the scum know who they are. Fortunatly most of the players on
GT rock.
Till the next map...
10.31.99 |
OK, both onslaught
and slayn1
have been updated and now work properly. I have also received
the map hotel
from Drumdude. I also re-packed asylum22
into a zip format with the proper paths.
Well at this point it looks like I am going to have to institute
some minor maptesting. This only going to be a very basic test,
ie. does it work, and is it suitable for Action. I will also be
testing directory structure. ie. sprites to /sprites, bsps to
Well this should hold you guys over until the next update.
10.29.99 |
Well guys, it looks like that new map doen't work. As soon as
Kar can get me an updated version I will have it up.
10.29.99 |
I need to send my apologies out to anybody who has tried to contact
me over the last few days, I ummmm, for got to pay my isp and
they cut me off. It really sucked because I was cut off in the
middle of a conversation.
Anyways, there is a new map: onslaught,
from KaRRiLLoN. I may have some opinions on it soon as I am about
to set it up for a lan that I am at tonight.
Later guys. Time to rack up some frags.
10.23.99 |
Due to rather unfortunate circumstances the map slayn1
is being recalled. Apparently the author still has more work to
do on the map. As soon as an updated version is available you
can be sure that I will have it here.
10.22.99 |
Today's maps come to you from Bulletbait and HolyGoat in the
form of nightshift11
and the updated version of asylum2.
If you have't already please switch over to the new version of
asylum, trust me it's much cooler.
Time for the first set of AHL maps. 3 of the maps have been around
for awhile, and the other I just received. The newest map is a
remake of the infamous Action Q2 map Dirt, titled slayn1. The
other 3 maps are dwcave,
and teamjungle,
made by Dan Watts, The Octave Doctor!, and SithManiac&timm
Right now it's hard to say when I will be getting the rest of
the AQ2 maps up. But they should show up eventually.
Well back to fraggin. Btw I just wanted to say hi to all the
guys that play on Georgia Tech server, that seems to be where
its at right now.
10.19.99 |
Ok, well it looks like I am going to be
taking an active interest in the site again. As most of you can
see the site has changed its look, some of you will recall that
this is the original layout. I thnk I am going to be keeping it
this way for awhile.
Archives are way the hell out of date, and
due to the abundance of maps in the last 4 months, its going to
take me some time to get all the updates in.
Primary focus in the next few days will be setting up an AHL
map section. My goal is to set up a reliable place to download
maps, nothing more, nothing less. Submission rules will be the
same as with the AQ2 maps. Like before, I will not be doing any
testing and any comments will be based off of my personal opinion.
I apologize to all of you who have sent me maps in the last few
months, I have just been occupied on other projects. I should
be able to begin updateing regularly once again.