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CGF Terrain Specific AI - Terrain analysis

Last update: November 09, 1999, by William. List of changes here .

This page discusses terrain analysis (assessing the tactical value of a terrain location) using static input (the Quake2 terrain) only.

Terrain analysis is one part of the terrain understanding designed for and used by CGF (the teams of bots autonomously fighting in the Action Quake2 world employing realistic tactics, for those new to CGF).

As far as I know, similar techniques haven't been used in any other 3D first person tactical (real-time) game. The results obtained are promising and the approach and techniques seem to apply to most 3D fps games.

This page is organized as follows:

  1. ranking locations for tactical value and human terrain understanding
  2. static analysis: an off-line activity
  3. analyzing terrain in terms of high level (terrain) concepts
  4. the input: Quake2 terrain (and waypoints)
  5. my CGF approach
  6. running example and interpreting the graphs
  7. intrinsic tactical value of a location
  8. influence tactical value of a location
  9. related work: influence maps
  10. conclusions
  11. change log

'teaching the CGF bots about tactical terrain understanding: hard to access rooftops are good' (using  p1_lightbeam's conference facilities) 'teaching the CGF bots about tactical terrain understanding: interpreting analysis results' (using  p1_lightbeam's conference facilities) 'teaching the CGF bots about tactical terrain understanding: paths that provide cover' (using  p1_lightbeam's conference facilities)

(Terrain analysis by CGF bots visualized by means of some staged shots with faked 'projected' slides. The AQ2 map, featuring conference facilities, is p1_lightbeam by Tristan 'P' Temple).

1. Ranking locations for tactical value and human terrain reasoning
Ranking locations for tactical value is similar to what a player does when he loads a new AQ2 map for the first time. At ease and in single-player mode, he explores an AQ2 map both to get a impression of the map (is it pretty, do I like the theme, would it make a good fight) and to get a tactical feel for the map, for example:

  • "this rooftop controls a good part of the street, and is hard to access"
  • "this bright side of the map is almost without cover"
  • "this ladder is in full view"
  • "this room is hard to control because it can be accessed from four different directions"

2. Ranking locations: an 'off-line' activity saving CPU cycles for other AI
The static terrain analysis considers the map 'as is', lacking real knowledge about threats and threat position. Therefor, it can only speculate about the tactical value of each location by looking at the potential value of that location in relation to its surroundings in combat situations.

Though less accurate than considering the terrain with knowledge about specific threats and their positions, this (static) ranking of tactical locations is very important because:

  • it enables the AI to take up good positions in advance of the engagement
  • the analysis can be done in advance (thus before the combat starts) and leaves more CPU available for dynamic combat tactics
    this is especially important in games where the CPU power is too limited to do much terrain analysis during combat - the static terrain analysis results, obtained off-line, then are a worthwhile substitute

3. Terrain analysis using (higher level) concepts to reason about terrain
Of course, (static) terrain analysis is not limited to AQ2. To the contrary: for example, the US Army field manual for Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) (FM90-10, 1979), explicitly deals with terrain analysis (Appx. A - Urban Terrain Analysis) and the selection of (defensive) positions.

It's not the actual content of this document that matters here. Instead, it is important that the document is able to do 'generic' reasoning about terrain because it uses a number of (higher level) concepts:

  • 'fields of fire'
  • 'fields of observation'
  • 'movement (restrictions)'
  • 'cover/concealment'
More closely related to the AQ2 gaming world are the rules of thumb and concepts listed in 'strategy guides' for various tactical games. A good example of these (for Rainbow Six) can be found here, listing concepts such as:
  • bottlenecks
  • camping spots
  • door handling

Fields of fire as illustrated in FM9010 CGF waypoints at Urban From tactically sound positions, CGF bots guard an Urban tower

(Images above show (left) fields of fire explained in the FM90-10, (center) the CGF waypoints in the Urban map, and (right) a team spread out at urban using the tactical values computed).

4. Terrain input: CGF, Quake2 terrain and waypoints
CGF tries about terrain using concepts such as the ones mentioned above. The use of these concepts makes it easier for a human being like me to understand and improve the CGF reasoning. And if done correctly, the results are more likely to be close to human terrain assessments.

Because Quake2 does not provide terrain information in a useful data structure via its API, CGF bases its terrain view on waypoints. Since waypoints reflect the reachable parts of the terrain (thus solely those locations where threats are likely to appear), and (in CGF) more or less overlay a uniform grid over the terrain, this abstraction of the real terrain works quite well.

More importantly, thinking about terrain in terms of waypoints (instead of brushes) also reduces the amount of data to be interpreted during terrain analysis.

The downside to this approach is the occurrence of sampling errors - not all relevant locations might be covered by waypoints.

The alternate approach, attractive because of its fully automated character, would be to parse the Q2 map itself (.bsp or .map files), and derive reachable areas from there. This area based approach was first implemented by the Q2 Gladiator bot, and Quake3Arena has been announced to utilize a similar mechanism.

As I understand the area based approach, the areas derived from the map file reflect the brush complexity - additional work would be required to obtain a uniform sized overlay structure.

5. CGF concepts for terrain analysis
CGF utilizes the tactical value location ranking to determine good sniper positions, to pre-position team members for defense and ambush purposes, and to assess the importance of a threat.

The terrain ranking is constructed by assessing the tactical value of each location and ordering the locations accordingly. In game, that information is typically used queries like:

select the 10 tactically most promising positions
that overlook the tower window and
that are within 3 seconds distance
from the current position
To obtain a tactical value for each location (waypoint), CGF tries to determine the following:
  • the location's intrinsic tactical value
  • the location's potential influence on surrounding locations and v.v.
Below, I'll explain these two kinds of 'values' using sample analysis results.

6. The example, and understanding the results
As an example, I'll use analysis results obtained for the map 'Urban' (an urban style map, composed of a number of streets and buildings of varying height with accessible rooftops, all in a twilight setting).

Urban view, from northwest towards center CGF AI team in action in south center area of Urban Urban view, from southeast towards center

Urban is map covered by some 750 waypoints, in a pretty uniform grid.

To be able to 'read' the results, I've projected values in a terrain graph on the top view of the Urban map. Note that the terrain graph itself shows some artifacts near the edges.

To assist you in understanding the graphs, here are graphs representing the:

  • height at each location (lighter color is higher) [center image below]
  • darkness at lower locations (including streets and medium height buildings)
    (lighter color is less dark) [right image below]
Urban top view - graphs are projected on this view CGF generated height map of Urban, projected on top view CGF generated light/dark map of low Urban areas, projected on top view

In all graphs, blue areas represent unaccessible terrain. Notice that you can recognize the higher buildings and lower streets (in the center image), and (that in the right image) the open streets in general are brightly lit whereas various other locations provide better locations to hide.

All results were obtained from a (comma separated) spreadsheet file generated by CGF from within Quake2, which then were visualized and converted to .gif images in MsExcel using VB for Applications.
Computing the tactical values for each location takes about 2 minutes (Celeron300A @ 300Mhz).

7. The intrinsic tactual value of a location
The intrinsic value of a tactical location reflects the location's 'stand-alone' properties, thus those properties that are not dependent on relations with other locations (unlike, for example, the concept of cover which is an expression about both the viewer and threat position).

Examples of intrinsic properties for a location are:

  • amount of light at location (darkness reduces chances of being observed)
  • movement speed at location (slow movement, such as in water, when required to crouch, etc. makes combat from this position less effective)
  • movement restrictions (caused by the presence of ladders, doors, elevators, moving platforms) make combat from this location less effective

Urban top view - graphs are projected on this view CGF generated light/dark map of high Urban areas, projected on top view CGF generated movement freedom map of Urban, projected on top view

The center image above provides a light/dark map for the higher areas of the Urban map (lighter color is less dark). Only a few locations at the rooftops seem to provide some 'shelter' from observation.

The right image above shows differences in movement freedom at locations: locations featuring small ledges, ladders and doors hamper movement and therefor attack capabilities at those locations (much freedom is green via yellow to red is little freedom). You probably can recognize the single door in Urban (center), the ladders (right center side of the map, and left center) and the ledge (south center of the map). All other red areas are artifacts of the terrain graph.

CGF takes these intrinsic properties into account when assessing the value of a location, and combines them with the influence properties of that location. This is illustrated in the next section.

8. The 'influence' tactual value of a location
The influence value of a tactical location is the aggregation of all influences 'exchanged' between the location and the locations surrounding it.

A single 'influence' is the 'interaction' of the location with one of its surrounding locations (typically, only those with a line-of-sight, a line-of-fire, or close-by locations). The 'influence' should be regarded as an abstraction of the key (combat) interactions players can have: weapon firing, observation, taking cover, and maneuvering.

Because the influence describes the relation between two locations, the influence has a direction. Since a human (or artificial) player cannot cover all directions at once (but typically focuses on one direction, occasionally checking another direction), I've chosen not to simply add up all influences originating from a location.

Instead, all influences are considered per sector (a 'slice of pie' of the surroundings). Then, the 90 degrees arc covering the highest influence is considered the primary axis. A secondary axis (being at least 90 degrees away from the primary axis) is computed as well. Finally, the influences are combined using a weighted sum with those influences along the primary or secondary axis receiving more weight.

Use of sectors: the left location is not as good as the center one - by determining sectors (right) and weighting these heavily, the left location receives higher scores

This use of sectors is introduced to have locations that oversee a number of nodes in primarily one or two directions (center image) rank higher than other locations that oversee a similar number of nodes distributed over all directions. The former locations typically make for a good camping or sniping location, and the use of sectors (right image above) assist in assigning these locations their proper value.

Examples of influence characteristics for a location (with respect to surrounding locations) are:

  • access advantage
    (the location is hard to reach from the locations it overlooks)
  • cover advantage
    (the location has nearby cover available for threats from the locations it overlooks)
  • visibility advantage
    (the location overlooks many other locations that would expose a threat because of sufficient lighting there)
  • 'no cover' advantage
    (the location overlooks many locations where a threat cannot quickly move into cover as seen from this location)
  • coverage of slow movement spots
    (the location overlooks (within useful weapon range) locations that cause threats to move slower or in a predictable way, such as ladders, doors, etc.)
  • likeliness of being surprised
    (the number of access routes available to threats that bring the threat nearby without being observed)
  • height advantage
    (it is easier to spot threats below you than to spot threats above you)

Urban top view - graphs are projected on this view CGF generated access advantage map of Urban areas, projected on top view CGF generated cover advantage map of high Urban areas, projected on top view

The center image above provides a large (green) - medium (yellow) - little (red) map expressing the 'hard to access advantage'. In the green areas the attacker typically overlooks (and can fire into) many locations from where a threat has to go a long way to to reach the attacker. In red areas, this advantage is absent - the attacker can be easily reached from most location he is able to cover.
Especially the locations surrounding the AQ2 sign (northwest) are very promising in this aspect, as is the rooftop of the lower north building (actually, it cannot be accessed from the lower parts of the maps). The high (sniper) towers in the center and right side of the map provide advantages as well.
Note that the input data for the graph contains more detail - there are many (subtle) differences within the individual locations in the red areas.

The right image above shows the amount of cover an attacking locations has with respect to the locations it is able to attack (for the high areas in the Urban map) (green is better than yellow than red). Simultaneous sufficient cover and influence over many locations can be found near the AQ2 sign (northwest), near the sniper room (northeast), near the top ladder position (northeast) and around the air vents and Coke sign (southeast resp. south).

Urban top view - graphs are projected on this view CGF generated map of 'being surprised' chances at the low Urban areas, projected on top view CGF generated height advantage map of Urban, projected on top view

The center image above illustrates the chances of being 'surprised' by an attacker (small (green) - medium (yellow) - large (red) chance). The chances of being surprised decrease when a location is able to overlook many of its nearby locations - threats thus have fewer ways to approach the location without being observed.

Many of the indoor locations (the stairs center north, the area around the door (center), the narrow alleys in the center as well as the small sniper room (south east) aren't very strong positions from this perspective.

The image to the right illustrates the average height advantage a location has (advantage (green) - neutral (yellow) - disadvantage (red)). The height advantage is largest when a large proportion of the locations observed is significantly lower than the location itself. Attractive locations typically can be found near the edges of high roofs, whereas many of the central street locations are at a disadvantage.

The center and right images below illustrate aggregated influence values for the lower resp. higher areas at Urban.

Urban top view - graphs are projected on this view CGF generated map of aggregated influence cause by location the lower Urban areas, projected on top view CGF generated map of aggregated influence cause by location the higher Urban areas, projected on top view

9. Related Work: Influence Maps
A real source of inspiration for this terrain understanding has been the so-called influence mapping. Influence mapping, an A.I. technique originating from the world of 'GO' (by Zobrik), performs a location based evaluation of the potential influence originating from the various friendly and opposing pieces in the game. Further reading: newsgroup discussion about influence mapping (thanks to Steven Woodcock).

Influence mapping is technique frequently employed in hex-based (turn-based) war games. In general, those games feature large scale units (batallions, divisions), and the influence of terrain, when compared with influence of these units, is limited: some locations might be time-consuming to enter, reduce visibility, or reduce the damage taken.
The influence of those combat units typically is large: the presence of a unit often prohibits movement in neighboring hexes, and initial unsuspected contact may stall the planned progress of a unit.

Influence mapping, primarily dealing with 'projected' force by combat units, makes a lot of sense in those games. However, in its form as described above, it does not work for 3D action games.

Current 3D action games typically display small unit combat. The influence exercised by the small units or individuals typically is far smaller than the role of terrain. Populated with many obstacles, the terrain blocks and directs movement to large extent. Even a thin wall can block the threat originating from an enemy unit.

The world simulated by the game is typically is smaller than the world of turn-based games. As a consequence, in 3D action games, weapon ranges are as large as the terrain dimensions, and cover thus becomes very important. Unlike the hex based games, the presence of a small unit at a location does not really interdict nearby movements of opposing units - rushing past a defender is easily done.

Though traditional influence maps don't work well for 3D action games, because of the big role of terrain in the 3D action 'tactics', it is well possible and useful to determine the strong and weak positions influence map solely based on the terrain.
A very important aspect is also that off-line (a priori) computation of the terrain position rankings is possible - this saves a good deal all-important CPU cycles for the run-time AI.

Mark Eversons also has coined up ideas of AI players obtaining a 'functional grasp of geography', including focus on the (more important) road and rail junctions and mountain passes.

10. Conclusions
CGF is able to automatically obtain a good static understanding of the terrain at hand. This surprised me: I had not expected the algorithms to be able to pick the better locations this 'easy'.
It enables the bot teams to position themselves tactically 'smart', and they sometimes succeed in 'out positioning' the player.

Urban top view - graphs are projected on this view CGF generated 'total' tactical value map of lower Urban areas, projected on top view - lighter colors are better locations CGF generated 'total' tactical value map of higher Urban areas, projected on top view - lighter colors are better locations

The images above show the 'total' (intrinsic and influence combined) tactical values for each location in the lower (center image) and higher (right image) areas of Urban. As far as my actual experience goes, most of the essential locations have been issued high values.

Without this understanding of the terrain, exact manual positioning (as is done for Quake2 and Half-Life) of teams would be required. CGF, instead, is able to have the teams autonomously position themselves.

More importantly, these waypoint based algorithms can easily be extended (read: improved and corrected) by taking into account (location) based recordings of 'combat' events: movements along locations, occupation of locations, (successful) attacks from locations. Using that kind of information in the algorithm enables some learning from and some 'adaptability' towards successful tactics employed by the player.

This use of dynamic combat information has been implemented (for CGF 0.80) and will be discussed in an upcoming document.

11. CGF Terrain Static Ranking Change Log
date D
description (incl. link)
Nov 9, 1999 +
textual changes (improved grammar)
Oct 04, 1999 +
added link to Mark Everson's 'geography understanding'
Sep 28, 1999 +
added link to Go and Zobrik's original influence mapping
Sep 19, 1999 +
added more explanation on influence properties
Sep 18, 1999 o
improved readability
mentioned area based terrain navigation
Sep 12, 1999 +
initial version

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send them here
CGF is written by William van der Sterren. All content is © William van der Sterren unless otherwise stated.
Action Quake2 is written by, and ©, the A-Team
CGF website designed by Cube, © 1999. Best viewed @ 800x600 HiColor in a version 4 browser.
And yes, a large number of bots were hurt during the photo sessions (but they fell in the line of duty).

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