Converted Terror Quake2 weapons for use in CGF for Action Quake2
By: Terror Quake2 team     (
    converted by MP*Canus  (
              &  Lennon    ( )
    for use in CGF for AQ2 (

About:   This archive contains three TQ2 weapons converted for
         use in CGF for AQ2 (v0.80 and later).
         The weapons are the AK47 assault rifle, the UZI sub-
         machine gun, and the Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle.
         The archive includes view models, ground models,
         VWEPs and sounds.
         This archive was composed with permission of the Terror
         Quake2 team.

         Due to the conversion to CGF (animation frames and 
         skin path names in the tris.md2 / w_*.md2), the weapons nor 
         the VWEPs can be used for TQ2; you have to download normal 
         TQ2 archives to play TQ2.

         Due to the way AQ2 is organized, you cannot access the
         weapons in normal Action Quake2. Instead, get CGF and use
         these weapons against the bots.

         Please don't bother the TQ2 team if you have troubles with
         this archive. Visit the CGF site instead.

Usage:   Unzip this file into your Action Q2 directory, with 'use
         path names' enabled. Files will be created in the following 
         - action/models/terrorq2_weapons_for_cgf.txt    (this file)
         - action/models/weapons/terror/*           (weapons, skins)
         - action/players/male/w_*.md2      (ak47, uzi, barret vwep)
         - action/players/terror/w_*.md2    (ak47, uzi, barret vwep)
         - action/players/sas/w_*.md2       (ak47, uzi, barret vwep)
         - action/players/crakhor/w_*.md2   (ak47, uzi, barret vwep)
         - action/players/messiah/w_*.md2   (ak47, uzi, barret vwep)
         - action/players/aqmarine/w_*.md2  (ak47, uzi, barret vwep)
         - action/players/sydney/w_*.md2    (ak47, uzi, barret vwep)

         - action/sound/weapons/terror/*  (sounds)

         Then, pick or edit a CGF mission so that it features the
         correct weapon names (see CGF documentation).

Credit:  Terror Quake2 team ( for the
         weapon models (by Lantz), vweps (by SgtRock) and sounds
         (by Trond).
         MP*Canus for conversion and the additional vweps. 
         Lennon for the new vwep skins.
         William for CGF.

         You cannot use these models for other mods without obtaining
         permission from the Terror Quake2 team first.