Bravo advance using suppression fire for cover

While one bot is firing the other advances

With covering fire from a teammate a bot scales a drainpipe

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Bot Epidemic

Visitor #: 03291

Latest news on CGFThe CGF conceptTechnical CGF information [AI and design]Got a CGF question? Read this firstHow to script CGF missions yourselfGet your CGF files and missions hereLinks to related sites [such as AQ2 or AI sites]

Mission Illustrated
In CGF, missions are the way to define and start a customized battle: missions define the forces and teams in the battle, their initial positions and plans, and the objectives.

Because of these objectives, CGF missions allow the player fight with other goals than just just survival (as in standard AQ2 team play). This way, CGF really adds some single player experience to AQ2.

Below, you'll find both screen shots and the mission definition for a 'hitman' mission: it's your task to eliminate Sabotage, some criminal leader. Sabotage is hiding in one of the map's rooms, and is protected by some snipers and patrolling teams. (And Sabotage is armed as well). You receive assistance from some fellow bots who will engage Sabotage's patrols. You accomplish this mission only by eliminating Sabotage in time; if you don't meet the time limit, or both your buddies and you die, the mission is a failure.

At the start of the mission, the mission goals are communicated to the player (and a buddy is visible as well) a four men Sabotage security team autonomously picking good positions during their patrol Using the AQ2 player cam, looking thru the eyes of a bot sniper

Mission information is provided to the player, (left). Both friendly and hostile force (bot) teams apply varying team tactics and procedures (center). Individual bots apply specific Action behavior as well, such as sniping (right).

Player (black suit) bunching up too close to a bot (orange sweater) to fight the Sabotage security forces (while a downed body occupies the sidewalks) two members of the Sabotage security patrol taking out one of the player's buddies - from the sounds, the player may now have a hunch for the whereabouts of the security forces one of your buddies successfully engaging the Sabotage security forces until he receives a headshot - notice the AQ2 ejected shotgun shell

Fight alongside the bots - the player's presence will influence their tactics - solo, the bot might hesitate to attack, but now the player is present, he may venture to attack (left). In single player action, AQ2 features such as ejecting shells no longer create much lag (center). Fights with hard to predict outcomes occur between the opposing forces, ensuring replayability (right).

Player (black suit) being engaged by well positioned patrolling Sabotage security forces the Players gets downed by the one of the bots, thereby failing his mission Sabotage, hiding in a hard to reach room, becoming alerted and curious because of the fighting

The team AI explicitly tries to acquire good positions previous to and during combat, as the player is about to feel (left - note the third bot in the lower left corner). The bots meet their maker (player/programmer William), and down him without further ado (center). Sabotage, the guy to be eliminated by the player already noticed the fighting and has become alert and curious (right). Of course, this mission resulted in a failure for the player.

(Note that these shots have been recorded during several missions. You're also seeing upgraded MP5 skins and AQ2 icons from the AQ2 Guild site).

To create such kind of mission, a script similar to this sample mission has been created (for the Urban map).

Detailed documentation on how to modify and craft missions will be forthcoming after version 0.8 has been released.

Mission/Bot Launcher

To assist CGF users in dealing with scripts, missions, skills, weapons etc., a bot launcher will be made available.

preview of the CGF mission launcher (one of the ca. five dialogs) [click, 40KB]

Ross "JoeSatch" Norton set out to do his part of the teamwork behind CGF: a beta of his no-nonsense CGF launcher now camps on our desktops, and helps us browsing through the missions, adjusting some settings, and launching us into the action.

Mission Editor
CGF mission scripts can be edited with any text editor. However, scripts become more readable and easier to edit using a good editor supporting syntax highlighting, as can be seen in the image below.

syntax highlighted CGF mission script

I've been using EditPlus (see screenshot above) to view, edit and check CGF mission scripts.

Below, you'll find the handy configuration files to enable CGF mission script syntax highlighting:

Mission Syntax Checker
A stand-alone script checker (cgfparser.exe) is available to assist you in detecting syntax errors when editing CGF missions. It is included in every CGF release, and you'll find it in the action\mission subdirectory. You invoke it from the dos command prompt, with the script file as input. It outputs the formatted script and any errors, if applicable.

As can be seen in the screen shot above, it can be integrated into EditPlus as a tool (cgfparser output appears in the lower right window). You can add cgfparser as a tool via the "Tools" menu, "Configure User Tools..." option, and filling out the fields like this (taking into account your own directory structure of course).

integrating cgfparser.exe into EditPlus

Mission Script Documentation
You'll find detailed documentation on the CGF scripts here. Questions and feedback is welcome, so I can improve the documentation. It is basically one large html file so you can save it to your hard disk for further reference. (Please don't distribute it from your site, but refer to this site for the most up to date version).

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send them here
CGF is written by William van der Sterren. All content is © William van der Sterren unless otherwise stated.
Action Quake2 is written by, and ©, the A-Team
CGF website designed by Cube, © 1999. Best viewed @ 800x600 HiColor in a version 4 browser.
And yes, a large number of bots were hurt during the photo sessions (but they fell in the line of duty).

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