manhart heart beats from year 2015
Bobby Pat, you need to lead the charge in bringing Action back from the dead.
SuiGo\' guess what fuckers? im back! woot.
Insan3 I\'d like a link to download all of ur puppetdemos plz ehe
abril la la la la la la elmos world
Shout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shout! @ u Mom
SuiGo- Yo pat, ur site kicks ass,
mmz I am a cocky sock, because god... is a sock
teprrr Thanks a lot for Linux support and opensourcing this!
HEbereQue ROOOOAARR!! AQ2 is teh bets!
^J Mod V1.23.04 is out! |
Saturday, August 12, 2006 |
Been a while, but finally got another update out: V1.23.04 (AQ2 - ^J Mod) Yay 1,000+ hits XD |
^J Mod V1.23.03 is out! |
Sunday, July 9, 2006 |
And another release... (AQ2 - ^J Mod) I'm making a site dedicated to ^J Mod. I'll release the link for that hopefully soon :) |
^J Mod Manual V1.00 released finally! |
Monday, July 3, 2006 |
The first ^J Mod In-game Help Manual has been released! Grab it here (AQ2 - ^J Mod) |
^J Mod V1.23.02 is out! |
Sunday, July 2, 2006 |
Here's another release... mainly bug fixes (AQ2 - ^J Mod) |
New site host... and... |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 |
Ok I got this new site host from a friend... so no more banner add. Here's what I've promised in return. I will still be available to work on ^J Mod, and I will write some programming articles for Q2, like the ones from qdevels. So, there are more ^J Mod releases to come, and look forward to my articles! For those who didn't know, there is a forum dedicated to ^J Mod hosted by www.aq2world.com at forums.aq2world.com/ |
^J Mod V1.23 released! |
Sunday, June 18, 2006 |
So... its come that time. This is my final ^J Mod release. Grab it here (AQ2 - ^J Mod) The source for it will be released very soon. If somebody would like to officially pickup work on this project, let me know. I will also be releasing the source code for the multi-puppet version soon so that hopefully someone can get some use out of the coding. |
Links page added |
Saturday, March 25, 2006 |
I added a links page finally. Not much in there but its an addition none the less. |
^J Mod V1.22 released! |
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 |
Here's some quick fixes and updates for ^J Mod. I have bigger plans for the next version so I had to get these taken care of. Look forward to it! (AQ2 - ^J Mod) |
^J Mod for Linux! and Shoutbox |
Sunday, Jan 29, 2006 |
I finally got a Linux version of ^J Mod out. Have fun with it :) (AQ2 - ^J Mod) I also added a shoutbox to the site so have fun with that too. |
Working on my new site... |
Sunday, Jan 15, 2006 |
It's been a long time since I got a new site going, but here it is finally. As you can see the layout is pretty simple... for now at least. |