3-Teams for ActionQuake2

Made by [GRZ]Sinister

Servers (q2 plug)
Latest version: 1.5h!


-3 Teams in one level. (works just like normal Teamplay, only 2 teams need players to start gaming)
-New item: Helmet (Protects head somewhat well, not from sniper or knives. ;)
-M4 cant get Lasersight, but it is a bit more accurate than before without it.
-Lasersight doesn't help so much when running as it did before.
-Game will begin if just two of the 3 teams have players.
-Helmet works in DM too without modifying maps. (aq2 feature :)
-If there were 3 teams, but one gets empty, its score will be reseted back to 0.
-Messages when shooting to helmet. :) (e.g. Sinister has a helmet)
-Random Round Win Messages. :-)
-Variable for maxplayers per team is replaced with (set smallteam "0/1"). It forces people to go to the team that has the least number of players.(If smallteam is 1 you can only join a team through the teamjoin menu, the team command will always put you to team "none" and so, it will kill you if you are alive :))


-Better model&pic for helmet, when i find some. :)
-Shotgun & Handcannon check where you hit.
-Something else I find interesting/fun. :-) (maybe defineable weapon banning?)

FYI: These pages are just fastly made beta to hold these files in public :)

Latest version(1.5h) has:

-Improved the smallteam variable to update correctly the jointeam menu when people leave their teams and join in them..

How to get it work

Windows 95/NT
1. Backup your original gamex86.dll from quake2\action directory.
2. Unzip the gamex86.dll from 3TeamAQ.zip to your quake2\action directory.
3. Edit your action.ini and add there [team3], its name, and used model&skin just the same way as team1 and team2 are configured.
4. Get some buddys to play with and start fragging!


Here's an example of how your Action.ini should look with 3teams:
Example of Action.ini
This is the source of original AQ v1.5:
Action Quake 1.5 Source
Only the server needs this file, for helmet it uses pictures from baseq2 directory so everyone has them:
3-Team Action Quake DLL v1.5h

This is the original gamex86.dll if needed:
Action Quake v1.5 DLL
3-Team Action Quake 1.5H:
3-Team AQ2 For Linux/unix v1.5H


These images are from 320x240 resolution, so the scoreboard works then too, good. :)


Servers (q2 plug)
Currently there is one server running this mod, it's at "threeteam.quake2.tpo.fi" ( and it is hosted by TPO

Bugs? Suggestions?

If so, mail me HERE
IRC: I can be found at IRCnet from channels #greyz & #action usually with nick grimmel
ICQ: My ICQ UIN is 21085064


Here's the missing mb8.wav from map urban :-) Copy it to action\sound\world directory Urban Wave File
Use "Save Link As" to save it to your HD
And yeah! Thanks for releasing the code guys!
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You are AQ'er number to visit here since 1st March 1999
This page was last updated at the 7th March 1999

My URL: http://come.to/3Team

I got it for free at http://come.to