-3 Teams in one level. (works just like normal Teamplay, only 2 teams need players to start gaming)
-New item: Helmet (Protects head somewhat well, not from knives. ;)
-M4 cant get Lasersight, but it is a bit more accurate than before without it.
-Lasersight doesn't help so much when running as it did before.
-Game will begin if just two of the 3 teams have players.
-Helmet works in DM too without modifying maps. (aq2 feature :)
-If there were 3 teams, but one gets empty, its score will be reseted back to 0.
-Messages when shooting to helmet. :) (e.g. Sinister has a helmet)
-Random Round Win Messages. :-)
-Variable for maxplayers per team is replaced with (set smallteam "0/1"). It forces people to go to the team that has the least number of players.(NOTE! If smallteam is 1 you can only join a team through the teamjoin menu, the team command will always put you to team "none" and so, it will kill you if you are alive :))
-Better model&pic for helmet, when i find some. :)
-Shotgun & Handcannon check where you hit.
-Something else I find interesting/fun. :-) (maybe defineable weapon banning?)