20:18 22/03/2010
newsflash - Arild |
Hello mates!
We lost our semifinal bigtime when it comes to aq2eu.league. We now only have 1 game left to play, the bronze game :)
Two new players joined our squad, please welcome Savior and Magger.
Spiff and Da Juan was kicked due to inactivity.
Over and out
20:08 15/03/2010
aq2eu league - Arild |
We have now reached the semifinals in aq2eu league. we will face clan Stalinets. Keep out in #mi and you will find out more about dates etc etc
20:53 15/02/2010
aq2 eu league - Arild |
After playing a few games in aq2eu league we are now about to face clanduel in the first knockoutround of the tournament.
The league more or less sux. The groupstage is kind of pointless since 4 of 5 teams will move on to the playoffstage. Your table position doesnt matter since the playoffrounds will be randomized. Weird rules huh ?
We have been suffering from inacticivity lately, but hopefully we can get active again. We are currently looking for one new player. Contact me in #mi if interested.
00:32 10/01/2010
New people - Arild |
Today two more person joined us. Welcome Da^JuaN and dipShit.
00:39 09/01/2010
Things are moving - Arild |
Hello everybody. happy new year and shit.
Things are finally moving in this clan once more. We have played a few cws lately. Some good and some bad :)
We have a new member, the superduper dane Spiff.
I updated the clanwars section with a new year. We have reached 2500 games now. Not that bad actually :) The page is only showing around 2000 though because the year 2005 disappeared in some harddrive crash when hawk was hosting the page a few years ago.
I got a hold of some old aq2 movies with M.I from different tournaments. They are now availible for download in the links section. You also find the old M.I lan movies in the same section.
We also have an aq2 server up and running. server.mobileinfantry.se. Most people reacted positive to the ping atleast. A few people have problems with strafejumping, you kind of get a keyjam. If anyone got a good solution to the problem please drop by #mi and tell me.
Over and out!
17:27 02/01/2010
Welcome Spiff - Arild |
Spiff joined us today. He is the first dane since FoxX if i remember correctly :)
00:11 31/12/2009
activity - Arild |
Played our first game in 7 months today. whoppiedoe! :)
20:54 12/04/2009
activity - Arild |
as you can see we are quite active thesedays... it is quite funny to play. tobad there much of activity in the aq2 scene though. we suck bigtime... alot of strange maps are played, and we dont know em :) but we manage to get some sort of control at rok atleast.... anyways... drop by #mi and play us !
11:12 26/03/2009
Once again we are active - Arild |
Weird huh ? atleast i think it is... Suddenly some of us felt like playing a cw now and then. The 'active' people are myself, billy, saafen, wiz and zonic. Rumours are that even Clause might show up :) If you feel like playing us drop by #mi and we might play a game. Remember the rules though... we use mm3 and we allow ourselfs to use as many 'mi timeouts' as we wish to do.
17:56 29/12/2008
NO C W S ! ! ! - Arild |
Only 2 days left of this year and we havent played any cws yet. D A M N I T ! ! !