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LoJiK's Main AQ2 Page

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Action Quake 2 Related Downloads

The AQ2 mod

Before you you can install and play Action Quake 2 you will need to ensure that you have version 3.20 of Quake II correctly installed onto your computer. If you are running Quake II straight out of the box, or have it patched as far as 3.12 then you will need the full size 3.20 patch (18.4mb) If you are patched to 3.13 and above you can download the smaller version of the 3.20 patch. I would have put links to these files on this page if I could have found any that worked, I wish you luck in looking for them.

Ok assuming ya have Quake II 3.20 installed, your next step is to download the latest Action Quake 2 Mod file, actn1Ccl.exe (8.8mb). This is a self extracting archive, and all you will need to do is run the file and then point it at your Quake II directory (usually and by default c:\Quake2) .   

Next you should download and install the two small fixes, 1cCLfix.exe (399kb) & vwepfix.exe (312kb). Just run these files and follow the onscreen prompts, it's as simple as that.

Once you have installed the mod, you then need to set up the game and bind keys to the special actions that you can carry out in Action Quake 2. You will need to bind keys to the following actions:

bandage - With Action Quake 2 if you get hit you will bleed, and you will continue to bleed until you die unless you do something about it. bandaging will stop the bleeding, it will also bind up broken ankles and stop you from limping after high falls. Only downside is that you will be unable to use your weapon for 6 seconds while you bandage. After 3 seconds you will stop bleeding, and be able to run again.

reload - pretty self explanatory really. Reloads the currently selected weapon (assuming you have any ammunition of course)

opendoor -  Again pretty self explanatory, opens doors, throws switches etc.

drop item - In Action Quake 2 you get to carry one special item. These items are the kevlar vest, laser sight, bunny slippers (for silent running) the silencer, and the bandolier (for carrying extra ammo). During a game you may find these items laying next to the corpses of fallen player. To be able to pick them up you 1st need to drop whatever special item you are currently carrying. So for instance you might start a round with the M4 assault rifle and a laser sight. You run out of ammunition and come across a dead guy with a shotgun and kevlar vest. Now if you take the shotgun the laser sight will be no use at all, so it makes sense to dump it and take the vest instead..comprende?

drop weapon - You start all rounds in Action Quake 2 with a pistol and a knife. In team games you also get to select one special weapon and one special item (see above for info on special items). The special weapons are the M4 assault rifle, the MP5/10 automatic machine gun, the M3 super 90 shotgun, the SSG 300 sniper rifle and the 12 gauge sawn off shotgun (or hand cannon). If during a round you run out of ammunition it is advisable to dump your current weapon and go try finding a corpse to loot. Binding a key to "drop weapon" enables you to drop your current special weapon and go pick up another (hopefully one with ammo in it).

weapon - Changes the firing or use mode of some of the weapons. For the sniper rifle pressing this key will change to zoom mode, repeated presses increase the zoom from 2X to 4X to 6X with a further press taking you back out of zoom mode. For the MP5/10 and M4 pressing this key puts the weapons into semi-auto 3 shot mode (slightly more accurate) with an additional press putting the weapons back into fully automatic firing mode. For the pistol, it switches between semi-automatic and automatic (again semi-automatic being more accurate). For the knife, it switches between slashing and throwing.

If you are an experienced online Quake player then setting up key binds and creating cfg files should pose no problem. However if you are new to this then I advise you to take a look at LoJiK's Config Guide for help, tips n tricks on setting up your binds etc. You can also use the Qware programme Qbind (you will need the latest Qware runtime programme (3.6mb) to run any Qware utilities ) which has a graphical user interface and may be easier for many people to use. Go visit the Qware site to get this programme.

Ok so we have the mod installed, and have set up our key binds. You are now going to need maps.....

To play Action Quake 2 you will need to download and install the correct maps. The following files contain most of the necessary maps, but it is possible that servers will be running maps not contained here. If this happens then head on over to the Map Depot where pretty much all AQ2 maps can be found.

Zip files should be extracted (using a programme such as Winzip) into your "Quake2\action" directory. They will automatically create and extract themselves into the required subdirectories of your "\Quake2\action" directory.

exe files will automatically extract themselves into your "quake2\action" directory.

mappack1.exe (6.0mb)
Contains: colt, hostile, midtown, monastery, sludge1, teacher

mappack2.exe (4.7mb)
Contains: asylum, ghetto, jungle1, kumanru, museum, ruins2, subway (6.8mb)
Contains: actcity2, city, cliff2, cracked, teamjungle, downtown madness (4.8mb)
Contains: base01, basev28, cov92, hostage2, locknload, mall1, office3, and ruins (2.5mb)
* Contains: armyterr, soviet

* These maps are considered illegal because they make use of textures/sounds taken from other games such as Duke 3d and Unreal. However you will come across game servers that have these maps (certainly armyterr) on the rotation, so its best to have them installed just in case.

Right then, you've installed the mod and the maps, set up your keys and your itching to start fraggin, but where to find a game? GameSpy is invaluable for locating game servers not only for Action Quake 2 but many  other games. You should also grab this Gamespy tab ( (1kb) ) which filters out all games and only displays Action Quake 2 Team Play games. (1.3mb)
Vetran player [WNB]Adramalech shows off some amazing death defying leaps on various AQ2 maps. Not only are these jumps spectucular to watch but they are also extremly useful in actual gameplay. Definately worth watching and learning.
A handy utility for setting up key and mice binds in Quake utilising a graphical representation of a keyboard. A must have for those afraid of hand writing their own config files.

QWareRuntime.exe (3.6mb)
You will need this to run any of the Qware programmes. (43kb)
Written originally to test connections to Ultima Underworld servers, with this programme you can test your connection, and get very valuable information including average ping, packet loss etc to any computer online (as long as you have the IP number).

ps2rateplus.exe (380kb)
By increasing the sample rate of your PS2 mouse with this programme from the default 40mhz up to a maximum 200mhz, your mouse control (and consequently aiming) becomes a lot smoother and easier. This new version for Win95/98 is much easier to use than the old DOS based version. (3.8mb)
Just about the fastest Voodoo 2 drivers you can get, with a great desktop tools utility where you can tweak every aspect of your 3dfx card. Also enables the SLI running of Voodoo 2's from different manufacturers, and the running of high resolution modes (1024x768) with single Voodoo 2 set-ups.


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