FastCounter by LinkExchange

18:15 CET Saturday 9 Oct - Lurker
Ok, peeps as you can see we ARE on but the URL doesn't work. Nor Those which do work now are and The msg board is also down.

The reason for these changes is that the server wich host the NW and Norse pages and the Sigma pages as well as the mail server and lots of other stuff that is necessary for Sigma to run, crashed. The reason for this crash is the MB. It was prolly a bug in the UBB MB, but we weren't using the latest version.

This crash caused alot of problems for us and we had to move the server from the 2Mbit line, down to our lan that has a 128k line. Now this itself makes running the MB tough. Another issue is that it's obvious not safe for us to run the the current MB version. In a couple of weeks, we at Sigma will move to another location, and get another line. If we get the line we prolly are going for, we cannot host the msg board. This will be clear in 2-3 weeks, so we just have to wait and see. If your urge to spam a MB is present, there are NW threads on both the offical MB as well as the AQDT MB. You can also meet the same ppl on #NAQ on quakenet.

There are ppl who have offered to host the board, but we'll wait and see what happends until we make a decision. When we DO find out, we will post it here. And we prolly won't use anything else than UBB, as all the other MBs I've seen are sucks.
It must have Ligur and his ehvul rebellions that crashed our propaga... uhm information channel. See what this maniac is up to?! :)

14:50 CET Friday 1 Oct - Lurker
Jeje, I've been lazy. I have finally updated the link pages with more clan links. I've also put up a new matchreport on the Battle Section.

For those of you that don't know, most scandinavian AQ'ers are meeting in the new Nordic AQ IRC-channel, #naq on quakenet. Head over and talk BS, challenge clans or whatever. Even I pop by from time to time (and I don't irc :).

Due to the fact that ICQ is driving me nuts these days with msg not comming thru, not beeing sent or not recieved until travelling the world (if they arrive at all), I'll be deleting it pretty soon. You can then either mail me or maybe meet me at #naq. Please, PLEASE don't ask me a bunch of Qs on the server, as it's not that funny to be killed when typing every round. If you have any Qs (questions) feel free to post them on the msg board.

Me, Smiley, Kehldon, and some VrP boys are currently checking things out in organizing a Norse 2-on-2 league. Don't bother mailing any of us for info or anything as we haven't started looking at it yet.

Junk, BC, Wolf, Ell, Eyes and God-knows-who are currently working on the code for the prog for Norse Rank King. We should be starting beta testing next week. For those of you who don't know, the RankKing pages are on the URL that the Norse League had, at Please notice that the rules aren't updated. As soon as I manage to turn Wolf's Word doc. into html, I'll post it there. Just for the record: The RankKing is NOT operational yet.

For those of you who wants to Challenge NW in a clanmatch, please be advised that we do NOT tolerate any high gl_modulate, M4-script, or any other fancy cheating methods. If you feel you can overcome this huge barrier :) send a mail to Swaty. We still need challengers.

Well since I am shy, I'll tell the truth here, only Junk is coding RankKing, the rest of us are basically grabbing any credit and fame we can, Eyes

17:50 CET Wednesday 22 Sep - Lurker
Riot2 is released and you can get it here. It's already in the rotation... You should DL it from that link as many of the textures aren't available for some reason on the server (it won't unzip properly).
20:00 CET Monday 20 Sep - Lurker
Ullu again. We're running a new .so now wich includes the gl kicker as well as the %L and %S commands. Big hand to Mike who is coding this for your pleasure (well and for ours :).

JTM, the creator of the Sarah/Terminator movie clips has made a Die Hard trailer wich is REALLY cool. I think it's much cooler than the previous ones, the only flaw is that it's too short. :) You can find it here and if that doesn't work, try this. Enjoy! Oo! Toys'r'us in Oslo! Weee! :)

15:50 CET Thursday 16 Sep - Lurker
Long time, no update. First off the server will be closed tonight for beta-testing of Ellusion's new map Riot2(!). You heard me, Riot2! We'll close it down from 1900CET and it will last about an hour I guess unless ppl wants to play more. Ell will then put the final touch on it, before it's released.

Here's an update on the TNT2 cards: We have not heard from the company in Taiwan so we dropped them, BUT we have found a supplier in Norway wich has a better card. This is a Britek TNT2 Ultra card (nVidia RIVA TNT2 Ultra), true 128-bit, AGP 4x (compatabile (sp?) with AGP 1x/2x), and 32MB Ram. The price will prolly be NOK1395,- + shipping and taxes. This is basicly an offer to norwegians, as I won't hazle with customs, and since Eyes has dropped it and I'm tired of ppl asking me about it. :) It is possible (I think) to sell it to ppl outside Norway, but you would have to pay norwegian taxes (23%), but I'll do my best to make sure you don't have to pay customs, but I can't guarantee it. If you're interested, mail me ([email protected]). Those who mailed Eyes will have to mail me again. There is no minimum of ordering, but you would have to pay in advance as I won't bother applying for credit, nor cough up the money in advance. I'll set the deadline to 27th Sept. Those who want the card should mail me, and we'll work out the paying agreements.

As some of you have noticed, the server crash more often now. That's prolly because of a bug in the gl_mod. kicker wich Mike is working on. It seems to be happening because someone has something wierd on their clientside (like proxy or something).

For those who want to challenge us for a clan-match, mail Swaty.
Update:I changed the map rotation.
Revealing It Officially To 2 ppl = R I O T 2, sheesh only Phreed figured it out.

18:50 CET Thursday 09 Sep - Lurker
THEEEEEEME-NIIIIIIIGHT!! Ok people it's on and it will be on until Friday around 17. The theme is DM, but with teams-by-skin. That means that players with the same skins as you are on your team and you should help them. Those on teams can't kill each others. You can also radio them, but not use say_team. Please use one of the following skins:
Nwhalers (male), cyrus (male), norse1 (SAS) or norse2 (SAS).
If there are several members from one clan on I suggest that you use the same skin. You will not be kicked or anything if you don't use one of the 4 skins mentioned, but use one of them if you want to team up with someone, but your free to use whatever skin you want to.
If you can't connect it is because we have changed the password to "DMBehave!".

Here's the current DM rotation:

Oh and the fraglimit is 60 and the timelimit 15.

Now for some news about NW. We played =E= on tuesday and won with one point. :) We were supposed to play DmB yesterday but they only showed with 3 players, so that was cancelled. They made me miss the soccermatch. GRRRRR!
The new NW match coordinator is Swaty so if you want to challenge us for a clanfight, mail Swaty at [email protected]. We would like to point out that we'll only accept challenges from serious clans with normal gl values, who doesn't flame, whine, cheat in any way, etc.
Finally, I guess you all have noticed that Ellusion is back again. :)
Revealing It Officially To 2 ppl ;)

13:05 CET Monday 06 Sep - Lurker
THEME-NIGHT! :) On Thursday 1800CET we'll have a themenight. It will be DM but with Teams-by-Skins. This means that you can't kill ppl with the same skins as you. Therefor I suggest that ppl use one of these skins:
Nwhalers, cyrus, norse1, or norse2.
We will play Blockwar with the hold the hotel and Saddam with protect the rocket. There will also be mindless fragging on other maps. I will change the pw to DMBehave! so ppl who don't know about this will understand what's going on. (They'll prolly read this after beeing refused connection). Hope to see you there. Please throw in map suggestions on the msg board.

We had a clanmatch against 89th Division last night wich we won fairly easy (49-6). We also have one match tomorrow and one on wednesday, so the server will be during that time. No new match-reports are up yet, but I have updated the page. I have also updated the link pages, and the rotation list. Basicly I removed Agression, Loveboat and Mxcity. If you have anything you want to see changed on the rotation, head over to the msg board and say why. And finally if you want your clan on the link section, send me a mail. When I update it I just go thru my mailbox. I don't scan ICQ, msg board , etc...
Oh! And Ell will prolly be online some time this week.
Kissmet: Where's that kick-only mail?

15:15 CET Friday 27 Aug - Lurker
Hi, peeps. I've made a new rotation list. You can see it here. There's still a discussion going on the msg board wich you can participate in. Most of the new maps are basicly 'on trial', but give it a few tries before you make the verdict...

For those of you inquiering of when the NW server will be up, I can say that it prolly won't. The reason for this is the security risk hosting a Q2 server poses. We simply can't risk a hackattack and loosing all data again. (Yes, backup is for girls.) Anyways we have a server at Eana where wich we control. The IP is and it's password protected, etc. Most of you should get a better ping there.

Finally I want to remind ppl that the msg board is up again, hosting your useless spam. :) One caution tho; Since all profiles where deleted some ppl try to accomplish member status by posting 30 posts in a row. Since we don't shit HD space out of our asses, we will delete those posts as well as the guy's profile. You're still free to re-register, but get your status by normal spam like everyone else. No further action will be taken unless the guy spams again...
Eyes was on the radio today! Did you hear him? :)

16:45 CET Tuesday 24 Aug - Lurker
Ok, we're slowly getting back. Thx to all those who have sent me files from their cache. The server section is working now. Wolf found some old match reports wich I will add later. is working now, so I have to edit all the files again. Sigh. (Yes, I did use absolute URL! :P). Eyes got a messageboard version up thanx to Zap, so I have to configure it. If you guys can search your cache (x:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files) for stuff.html and geninfo.html and mail it to me, it would be great.

We're still working hard on restoring the Sigma pages, and I'm trying to be a repairman on my sparetime now, so don't hold your breath for that msg board. Meanwhile you can meet some of us here. The rotation list is up-to-date, btw. I haven't changed it yet, but I will. For those of you wondering about the NW server, there won't be one up in a good while. We're using the NW at Eana server as our primary server, wich means that it's password protected, and we can't take any bookings... Well, I'm off to take a look at the msg board now...
UPDATE: Ok, I almost got it up. :) I tried and tried, but I can't figure out why you can't enter any forums. Will take a look at it tomorrow. Meanwhile you can registrer. BTW: Dalton, your profile was lost when I was experimenting, so you have to re-register. Sorry! :)
UPDATE PART DEUX:0wn4g3!! Got it up! Yes, go and post to the msg board right now! That's an order!
Yes I'm missing the msg board too!

17:35 CET Friday 20 Aug - Lurker
Talk about some crazy days... I got a bunch of news for you now, all concerning the NW server and these pages.
First off, something very bad happend to it (selfinflicted, unintetional ofcourse) so we had to move it down here to the office. We couldn't rescue the data stored so all Sigma Syst.-, NW-, and Norsepages were lost. The only thing we managed to save was this you see here because it was stored in the cache files. Thx to OptimA and Swaty for those. As you can see General Info, ServerStats, MsgBoard, Other Stuff, and Contact us doesn't work. This doesn't bother us too much. The biggest problem is all the Sigma pages that were lost and all the mails.

We will therefor focus alot of work into getting Sigma back on track wich means that the NW server won't be up in a good while (maybe never, sigh). We will, however, run the Eana server as the 'new' NW server. The server will have the same setup as the NW server had (with PW and all), but with a diff. map rotation. Since I have no pages to put it on yet, I'll just type it here:

actcity2, monastery, jungle, teamdepo, cliff, riot, loveboat, museum, city

The server has a better line, but lacks some memory, so I've lowered it to 12 clients. As we'll be running the NW server on Eana, no bookings is possible on the server and all previous book sessions are off. Since I've lost my mail I cannot contact those in question.

I guess alot of you are missing the Msg Board, and Eyes WILL set it up but not soon as we have to get the Sigma pages done first.
The only functional url now is, but it won't take long until we have changed it back to If any of you have some of the Sigma or NW pages that is not here, PLEASE mail them to me at [email protected]! (yes the mailserver works, but I don't know if [email protected] works yet, it should do.)

For those of you seeking the password or skins, I'm sorry but you have to wait until I get some of the pages up wich I'm not exactly very motivated for nor the time for. If you want the skins on the new NW server, Open up AQ, Multiplayer, Player Setup, Download Options (at the bottom), and set allow download to on.
If you have a friend that you would like to play on NW, just inform him on the Do's and most importantly the Don'ts and hand him the pw. But remember, the same rules that applied to the NW server applies to the new NW server. I will be updating these pages as usual, and I will take map suggestions. It's really sad to see the msg board down, tho... I still frequent the msg board and the new AQ msg board so if you start a NW thread or Scandinavian Thread there, I'll pop by...
This happend on the day all the planets where in a pattern that made the cross. Said by many ppl to be doomsday in the earlier times. Guess they weren't far off...

17:35 CET Tuesday 17 Aug - Lurker
Hi folks. I've added Cliff to the rotation. And updated (and correct !) rotation list is hiding somewhere in the pages here. I've also updated the linksection, and the battlesection after last night's match against VfN.

Regarding the NAQ party, several Whalers are looking into making it to the party. It is 2 months from now, so don't expect an update later today. :) I think atleast some of us will make it tho...

Mike is still working on the server code to fight terrorism, so the server might be a tad unstable from time to time. ;)
Click the Norse Banner !!

15:15 CET Friday 13 Aug - Lurker
Whoa! Friday the 13th!

The signup for the Nordic Action Quake Party will be available from the 16th of August! So be sure to signup. It would be great to meet in RL too. The pages are also completly redone, so be sure to check it out. For those over 18 you should atleast because of the Jomfru Ane Gade. A great party street, or whatever you want to call it. :)

Arcadia is in the rotation now. You can see the updated rotation list if you click on the Server button. The rotation list is a bit thin now, and they're all city/urban maps. A change would be nice, but then it would have to be some of the classics like Kumanru, Museum, Monastery, etc. If you have any suggestions post them on the msg board. I know it will be heaps of "Jungle!" "No, not that map! It sucks" etc, but try and surprise me. :)
We have a clanmatch against VfN on Monday, and we'll post the results when it's done. If you want to challenge us, mail me.
More links are comming to Link section, so you might want to check it out. The Eana server is very popular these days, and since I _might_ doublebook the server from time to time, don't go berserk if you find some ppl on the server. Just ask them if they have booked the server. And remember to run a killserver when you're done.
Click the Norse Banner so we can close the account. Need 80 more

20:40 CET Wednesday 11 Aug - Lurker
First off, I definetly need a calendar. :) I think I have wrong date or day in 80% of the news updates I have done. (No, this one IS correct.) :P

I have updated one of the General Info pages. The one under Server. There I have posted the password for the server and the rules for playing on it. So if you have friend you want to play against/with on our server, DO NOT give him the password, insted point him to that page. If someone goes berserk on a server, and I found out who gave the password to him, I will ban them both. After all, it is for your own good. (I feel like a politcian now...) So make him read those rules for everyone's pleasure. The skins are, and always have been, under the skin section there. The Norse skins are there as well. If you type motd on the server you can even see the URL there.

I'll move the link for the Nordic Action Quake Party over to the link section when I'm not that lazy. :)

Also I will put up a new map on the server on Friday. It's Arcadia. I don't know how it plays in TP, but I guess we all would apreciate some variation. I'll also put away Monastery and Kumanru a few weeks (It WILL come back! Calm down!) as many ppl are getting a bit tired of it. Maybe Urban too...

As for borrowing the Eana server, I have three requests;

  • 1. Reserve it by sending a mail to me. NOT Icq. If you ask by ICQ I can't guarantee that I won't doublebook it, because when ppl ask, I check the mail rather than 30 icq histories.
  • 2. Make the topic of mail Reserving Eana or something like that so it's easy spot. Also include the date for the day you want to reserve.
  • 3. When the match is over, run a killserver. That way the password is removed, and the original settings is back.

    I'm working on a page where all booking is done automaticly as well as a little rcon guide, but don't expect it tomorrow. I have to wait for Ell's comeback first. And boy is going to be busy! ;)
    Now I'm off for some hotdogs...

    15:40 CET Monday 9 Aug - Lurker
    More clan links are comming in. Keep sending them in if you want it listed. I will only list ppl who ask me to be up there. So if you're wondering why your clan isn't listed there, you know why.

    P.E.T. is organizing a scandinavian AQ-Party in Aalborg, Denmark 22nd to 24th of October. Head over to for more information. I hope some of the NWs can make it, but we haven't discussed it yet.

    Mike is back again, and already working on improving the gl_modulate part of the code as well as some other nifty features that might make it (nothin spectacular so don't expect a new game :).
    Ellusion is still twitching from the abstinences of beeing offline, but could get back online shortly. I guess his first day will be spent DLing mails, and the next 3-4 days reading them. :)

    I'll be looking at the new maps from AQMD, but I expect them to as crappy as they usually are. If I put them up I'll let you know in advance. Lavatube is still on the server, so if you want to play it, harrass some NW(s) that isn't named Lurker. ;)
    We're planning a clanmatch against VfN and NOPD, but if you want to challenge us, mail me.
    W3'11 0wn j00! :)

    19:50 CET Thursday 5 Aug - Lurker
    Ok, peeps. I have added some more clan links, put up the TCB matchreport. We also had a clantraining against US yesterday. I've replaced Q2Admin with BW-Admin now because there was a bug in Q2Admin that caused the server to crash alot wich I'm sure you have noted. Because of this, the Mike's vid_restart doesn't work, you say it insted, with a #blabla attached to it. We have to wait until Mike is back to get that fixed. The gl_kicker still works tho.
    The Psykopat server and the HOP server are now running the same version as NW wich means that there is a gl kicker there too.
    Well, that's all I can remember now. If you want your clan listed under links, send me a mail with your clan's full name, tag, and URL...
    We beat US too.
    12:50 CET Wednesday 4 Aug - Lurker
    First off, the rules for the NW server wich will be changed today...

  • Don't cheat! This means no use of bots, cranking up your gl_modulate so you can see in the dark, using the M4 script, or other ways of tweaking your system so you don't play AQ like it was intended to.

  • Behave! Don't flame ppl on the server. Don't call ppl names (e.g. CAMPER SHIT!!) nor tell them how much they suck etc. If someone pisses you off, tell him what you don't like in a normal manner (where normal is not behaving like an ass).

  • Don't spam/flood! Meaning saying the same line 2+ times in a row. If we can't read your first line we can't read line 2, 3 or 4 either. Also remember that ppl are on the server to play, not endulge you. If console ask you a question or tells you to do something, be sure to answer or do as you're told. We don't ask questions for the hell of it.

  • Don't kill your teammates! Friendly Fire is ALWAYS on. Accidents do happend, so if it was a mistake, say sorry if you think your teammate didn't understand that it was one. If you kill your teammates alot, consider watching your fire. :P If you get killed by teammates alot, consider of you play. If a teammate and an enemy are having a firefight, don't run between them in their LOF (line of fire) and get mad because you got killed by your teammate.

    If you think you can live with these rules you can log on to NW with the password "NW". On Wednesday the password will be changed to "Behave!". Don't give the password out, but give those who want it our URL: (not
    Did anyone say re-run?
    Now for some NW news. OptimA from TSJ has joined us. A wierd situation, sort of, as OptimA was the clan leader, but it was he who wanted to join us as it got a bit too much work for him running TSJ. You will still see him wearing the TSJ tag from time to time as they will continue to have their get-togethers. We're happy to have OptimA as a Whaler, as we all wanted his nude pics.

    Ellusion will be offline another two weeks. TregeNor is taking their time... But I spoke to him the other day, and we may have some good news. When he gets online, he might cough up a scandinavian AHL server for us. We have to wait and see, but keep your fingers crossed.
    We played a clanmatch against TCB yesterday, and I'll see if I get Wolf's report up today, if not I'll get it up there tomorrow.
    Oh, and Voga is now free. :)
    We won 9-6, 9-4, 6-5, 9-7 over TCB. GG!

    17:25 CET Monday 2 Aug - Lurker
    Hi, peeps. Due to the public's interest (heh) I'm going to change the PW on Wednesday. So if anyone asks you what the new PW is, make them go here. I'll post the 'rules' here:

  • Don't cheat! This means no use of bots, cranking up your gl_modulate so you can see in the dark, using the M4 cheat, or other ways of tweaking your system so you don't play AQ like it was intended to.

  • Behave! Don't flame ppl on the server. Don't call him names (e.g. CAMPER SHIT!!) nor tell him how much he sucks etc. If he pisses you off, tell him what you don't like in a normal manner (where normal is not behaving like an ass).

  • Don't spam/flood! Meaning saying the same line 2+ times in a row. If we can't read your first line we can't read line 2, 3 or 4 either. Also remember that ppl are on the server to play, not endulge you. If console ask you a question or tells you to do something, be sure to answer or do as you're told. We don't ask questions for the hell of it.

  • Don't kill your teammates! Friendly Fire is ALWAYS on. Accidents do happend, so if it was a mistake, say sorry if you think your teammate didn't understand that it was one. If you kill your teammates alot, consider watching your fire. :P If you get killed by teammates alot, consider of you play. If a teammate and an enemy are having a firefight, don't run between them in their LOF (line of fire) and get mad because you got killed by your teammate.

    If you think you can live with these rules you can log on to NW with the password "NW". On Wednesday the password will be changed to "Behave!". Don't give the password out, but give those who want it our URL: (not

    AHL is finally out. Ligur from NOPD sent us this URL: Here you'll find some neat tweakings you can do to lower your lag, and raise your FPS. The orginal HL settings has lots of eyecandy wich will cause lag, so be sure to read it. You can also head over to our msg board and talk to others about AHL.
    I'm also looking for a good scandinavian AHL server so if anyone knows of one, mail me or post it on the msg board. I was hoping that I could try running an AHL server on the EANA server, but the HL serverside requires alot of CPU power and since they only have 64mb of RAM as well, I'm pretty sure it's out the window. We also have to wait for a Linux version of AHL, wich Valve themselves are working on. So let's just prey it's out soon. I guess Nextel or Chello could make a server when it's out, but please don't spam them about it. When they have the time and effort I'm sure they'll put one up if they intended too. I'll talk to the Nextel guys once the Linux version is out. As noone plays on their TP server I'm sure we could sacrifice it for an AHL server. ;)

    I removed alot of the old news, so it would load quicker. The damn banner is messing up again, so you just have to live with that until they fix it...
    Sooooo tired...

    18:25 CET Thursday 29 Jul - Lurker
    Well, I'm sitting here twiddeling thumbs and pressing refresh on the AHL site every now and then, so I thought I could bore you with some news... (For the record, NW won't be running an AHL server, but we will keep the AQ server.)
    Well, I don't have much news today. We still want ppl to challenge us in clanmatches, so just send me a mail. We're (prolly) playing TCB sunday.
    Oooh! I forgot. If you're expecting any answer from Ellusion, or anything, don't hold your breath. He'll be offline a few weeks it would seem.

    I might as well tell you some hear-say about the next AQ version comming out. It won't be 1.53 but 1.60, and it will be a server side as well as client side... It will hold the AQDT's team low-lag patch (it rearrenges the code for radio and stuff). It will also have weapons banning in it. That means that we can ban any combo of weapons, even all. So we'll prolly have some theme nights with that. I guess the NOPDs are jumping over this. :)

    Oh, and I updated the link section a bit with some new clan links, and a new fan site (Action Quake's Corner). Check it out.

    And finally a last request to those who borrow our Eana server. PLEASE run a killserver when you're done so we don't have any wierd settings there. Since none of you are playing there, it might as well be used for clan fights.
    There is no spoon.

    16:10 CET Monday 26 Jul - Lurker
    Howdy peeps. Some news first. I have added a new clan to the link section. I also got a mail from another clan a couple of weeks ago who asked me to add them. They had even enclosed the html code for it, but I managed to delete the mail before I out them up on the Link section. If you read this, mail me again and I'll post it. If you want your clan up there, mail me the clan's complete name, tag, and URL.

    I would also like to point out that some ppl take the new auto gl kicking as an invitation to raising your gl_modulate to our maximum value. This is NOT the case. The reason why don't have the maximum on the standard values is because some FEW ppl have a dark monitor. Just because it is tough to see in some dark maps, doesn't mean you have a dark monitor. Some maps ARE dark and tough to see ppl in.

    The AQ:Gangsters! team needs your feedback. As most of you have noticed, they're thinking about dropping the project. If you want them to continue working on the AQ:G code, go to the Gangsters! msg board and tell them so. If not AQ:G will be abandoned.

    If you still want a 32mb 128bits TNT2 card for a very cheap price, you still have the possibility. Visit the msg board and read Eyes' topic...

    Zap will be packing down his 'puter tomorrow as he will be moving to Canada. Be sure to wish him a good trip. Oh, and Zap - don't worry about JFK Jr. I'm sure it was a freak occurence. ;)
    3 days until AHL...

    13:28 CET Friday 23 Jul - Eyes
    Well since Lurker manged to mess up the last update I tought I'd make one. (u know what he did if you saw it before he changed it)
    The server is running a modified version of AQ 1.52, it got some extra GL detection and kick code in it. The TNT offer is still going on, I got about 7 interested and need 10-15 more before I will go further with it.
    Now is there any capable Perl programmers out there that would be willing to donate som time to bugfix a nice utility that would enable us to make som really great stats on individual players on the servers? If there is please drop me an email
    17:00 CET Thursday 22 Jul - Lurker
    1.52 is official released, so our beta testing is over. Thanks to FireBlade for handing us the beta versions. We're now running a new AQ:Gangsters! code wich kick ppl with way too high modulate values. It's currently based on the 1.51 code, but Mike is working on porting it to the 1.52 code.

    We've played 2 clanmatches this week. One against IF and one against VrP. Curious about the result? Well, check our Battle section then. I've also updated some parts in the General Info section. It was some info there referring to the old 1.1b2 code/crashes. Nothing added tho.

    And thru Sigma Systems we've got an offer on a Riva TNT2 32mb graphics card. However this isn't anything we usually sell, but if many of you ppl are interested we could buy a patch, and sell them cheap. We would sell them at maximum 1250,- NOK wich is about half the price you get in the stores (atleast here in Norway). Eyes has started a thread on the message board here wich you can check out, and ask questions. We need around 10-20 ppl if this is going to happend.
    A 32mb TNT2 would kick ass!

    13:00 CET Tuesday 20 Jul - Lurker
    Hi peeps. First I want to correct my error from last time. The msg board IS the registrered version, but an old one. But we won't do anything more with it until it ends up on The progress report there is a bit depressing as Ellusion is very busy these days, and it's summer and all, so be patient. :)

    We will be playing a clanmatch against IF today and one tomorrow against VrP. I'll get back to you with the results. The match against DmB is cancelled as they couldn't get enough ppl.

    We're currently running beta 7 now. The only difference is that some minor bugs are removed. But if you find any bugs please report them to me or the official release will have bugs in it, and then you can sit and complain all you want. I know the server crashes a bit often, but this isn't AQ's fault but Q2Admin's.

    I've been thinking of adding lavatube to the rotation list (replacing murder) but the map is more of a DM map than TP. Head over to the msg board and state your opinion.

    I've also considered changing the PW again, as some ppl spam this on public servers or give it out to lamers, but then again - what good will it do if these ppl continue this activity? Atleast there are fewer of them on...

    The Janco server (or Chello if you want) now has 18 players. :) Really fun for mindless spraying and chaotic TP if you ignore the flamers. The server handles it great, and there aren't many flamers there, so it is great fun if the NW server gets to slow for you.

    For those of you who happily modulate on our server and ignores our rules, I have a small suprise for you in a couple of days. So either lower you modulate when logging on, or play somewhere else.

    For those of you who didn't know, AHL will be released in 9 days. The NW server will still run AQ, but I might talk the Eana serverop into letting us run AHL on that server.
    Play on the Eana server!

    17:00 CET Thursday 17 Jul - Lurker
    Howdy. More news today. To start with the big one first; Crowley from Seek&Destroy joined us yesterday. There has been rumors about this going around, but Crowley didn't say yes before yesterday.

    Then I want to inform you about a new site called Action Zone. It's in swedish, so go check it out. It will later be hosted by FragZone.

    Then we have a new movie from JTM called Terminator Clips. A really good movie made in KeyGrip2.

    Most of you have prolly noticed that the msg board is updated. This isn't the registrered version. We will move the NW msg board to once it's operational, and it will be the registrered version there. We'll let you know when something's happening there.

    I've also added the match reports that Wolf wrote about our last two Norse matches. We maybe playing a clanmatch against DmB on Monday, and we will fight VrP on wednesday. Prolly getting our asses whooped, but we're used to that now. :)

    Finally some news about the next Norse tournament. It will be called Norse Rank King and will be somewhat similar to ladder, but this is a new consept. WolfDawg will be the organizer, and as soon as we get things going we will bombard you with info. :)

    And some p1mpage: Use the frikkin Eana server at! :)
    It has a better connection than the NW server...

    14:00 CET Monday 12 Jul - Lurker
    Hey folks! Lots of news today. We're currently running 1.52beta6. You shouldn't notice any diff to the beta 5 tho. If you find ANY bugs, please mail me so it can be fixed before the official release.

    If you click here you will see all those who have logged on to our server up to Friday with their modulate over 2.5. Please be awere that some ppl have lowered their modulate after beeing spoken to, but that is not shown here as I only print those with the values over 2.5.

    We in NW considered gl_modulating (seeing in those dark spots) to be cheating, and ppl who crank this up to see in the dark will be kicked and eventually banned. We also consider using the M4-script cheating with the same penalty.

    I know alot of you don't think it is cheating, but either you lower it or play on another server, because we who play on the NW server, like to play AQ the way it was intended to.

    I know ppl are spamming our password on public servers like Misty (hi [ESF]Lucky Star!). This ofcourse makes the point of the PW lost. However I think we will be changing to BW-Admin 1.61 which can PW protect your nick. This means that I can PW protect your nick, so noone can pose as you (like Edison did). Then I can have a 2k file ;) with your nick and your own PW. This will prevent ppl from comming in, posing as you and start teamkilling and we can lock out the lamers. We've only had a few teamkillers up to now, but it could change. We just have to wait and see.

    If you would like to invite ppl to this server, that's fine but remember that you would ruin everyone's fun by inviting lamers. You may tell them the PW if they're cool, if not point them to this site.

    For new users who would like to play on NW read this:
    -Do not spam/flood (saying the same line 4 times in a row).
    -Do not flame players no matter what they do. Speak to them like normal ppl.
    -Do not kill teammates. Watch your fire. (Accidents DO happend tho.)
    -Do not ruin other ppl's fun because YOU have a bad day.
    -Do not cheat. Cheating is Zbot or other bots. Cranking up your gl_modulate to see in the dark (heard of irvision?), or using the M4-script is also considered cheating.

    If you follow this rules you can log onto the NW server with the password NW. If you break any of this rules you will be kicked and maybe banned. And we DO uphold these rules! You will recieve a warning first tho.

    The Eana server is open to the public again. It does not have a PW anymore, and I've changed the rcon. It also runs 1.52beta6 now and I would like you to play there as well. Because if that server crashes we will get a core file that I can send to FireBlade who can remove any bug(s) found. FF is always on, btw. So is the penalty. In fear of the lamers I have decreased the max teamkiller limit to 2 and raised the ban to 2 maps.
    Lasse Lindroth is dead. :(

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