Alright you have downloaded AQ2, got the maps, and your all ready to go, but you still have one more task ahead of you. I know, you thinking all this just to get the thing set up! It better be good! Well it is worth it. Trust me.
This is one of the most important parts of setting up your Action Quake2 so that you can start fragging to the best of you ability. This is called the setting up of your config. Whats a config? Well a config is where you can permently bind all your keys so you have a fully fuctioning customized AQ2 experience. Sounds a little daunting? Well it's not it's actully very simple. To edit you config, go into your action directory and find the file named autoexec right click on it, then scroll down the menu and click on open with.. choose notpad, or any text viewing program you may have. Now open the file. it should have lots of text with words like "bind" and "alias" in it. Text with // in front of it are notes, they are not binds or aliases.
So what are binds and aliases? These are commands that allows you to program a key to a certain function, like for example binding W to +forward, this will make w the walk forward button, aliases are however different in that they group mutiple commands into one single command. There are also commands called variables, these display certain info to people in the game, like your current health, who is nearest you etc. All will be revealed in the binds and aliases section. Head on over to The console for a much more detailed description of what these commands do and many many more.
Now you know the basics of how to edit your config lets look at some important binds and aliases to add to your AQ2 config, in the binds and aliases section.