Last update: December 16, 2000, by William.
- CGF Mission Depot
great looking site, news, lots of missions, reviews, tips'n'tactics, FAQ and message board
- CGF Resource Site
extensive site, with reviews and script design competitions!
- CGF Bot Central
lots of missions (but few reviews), news, and forum for CGF!
Other AQ2 bot(s)
- Command Decision Model Technology Assessment
US Army funded AI technology assessment by various authors, introducing and discussion:
- rule based systems
- fuzzy technologies
- case-based reasoning
- genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming
- neural networks and bounded neural nets
- lattice automata
- planning systems
- petri nets and colored petri nets
More info on command agents is availabe in the same publication.
Game Programming Gems", M. Deloura (ed.), Charles River Media, 2000
great overview of game programming techniques, and AI addressed fairly well with AI architecture, state machines, path finding, path optimization, A*, and fuzzy logic
Multi-Agent Systems : An Introduction to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
by Jacques Ferber, Addison-Wesley, Feb. 1999
Though there are few "how to construct decent FPS bots" books :), there is another
community that focuses on the creation of believable, immersive individual opponents
for combat simulation: the defense research centers.
In those centers, lots of work is being done in the area of Computer Generated Forces
(that's what CGF stands for), and some of it is published as well.
These CGF are intended to complement virtual worlds and distributed simulations
with additional forces and opponents, in order to provide better training facilities
against reduced costs.
While most of the CGF work focuses on larger units and vehicles, some work is
being done in the field of small units. The following papers provide an interesting
overview of all the problems the ideal bot should tackle,
provided you can deal with the amount of abbreviations and theory:
Tactical Movement Planning for Individual Combatants,
Reece, D., Krauss, M., Dumanoir, P.,
in Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation, 2000
One of the few papers dealing with tactical path finding. Describes the relation between various terrain representations and tactical path finding. The CGF's approach is comparable, though more geared towards smaller 'worlds', and low CPU utilization.
- Issues Involved With Integrating Live and Artificial Virtual Individual Combatants,
Dirk Ourston and Douglas Reece,
presented at the 1998 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL
This paper illustrates the problems of human - CGF interaction (using visual/aural cues), modeling direct and collateral damage, and realistic ways of movement.
- Soldier Agents in a Virtual Urban Battlefield,
Douglas A. Reece,
presented at the First Workshop on Simulation and Interaction
in Virtual Enviroments, University of Iowa, July 1995
(postscript reader required)
This paper illustrates the problems of dealing with terrain features and obstacles, the need
for modeling realistic behavior, and the corresponding computing costs.
- relevant CGF conferences (with on-line papers and presentations):
Previous Work
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