Sniping information [development shot]

A development shot showing areas for suppression fire

A bot sniper working in tandem with a spotter bot

Hosted by:
Bot Epidemic

Visitor #: 00605

latest executables:
CGF 0.81
[Dec 25, 0.9MB]

and up to 11MB
of new weapons
[Nov 28]

latest launcher files:
Launcher 1.50
[Sept. 13, 1.48Mb]

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January 09, 2000
In this news update: assistance for CGF fans experiencing CGF Launcher problems, and information about my experiments with vehicles in (Action) Quake2.

armor is more than a simple vest William riding his new APC and opening ramp while cornering streets dressed up for X-mass make sniping a more pleasant job

CGF Launcher Problems
Ross, CGF Launcher creator, provided me with new documentation for the CGF Launcher. (You can get it from the downloads page).
The documentation covers a number of problems reported lately. Probably the most frequently reported one is:

'Subscript out of range. - Error 9'.
The real problem behind this cryptic message is that the Launcher is unable to find missions. In other words, the launcher hasn't been set up with the correct path to the CGF missions.
You correct this problem as follows:
  1. Run "Uninstall.exe" in the Launcher directory (this does not remove the Launcher, only the setup information)
  2. Run CGF Launcher again and re-enter the setup information, making sure everything is 100% correct and then proceed to load CGF Launcher.
Note that the CGF missions typically are located in the 'action\missions' subdir of your Quake2 directory. You need to fill out the complete path.
We don't mind assisting you getting CGF to work provided you've made a decent effort to download and read the accompanying documentation.
Ross is also working on supporting the new CGF weapons in his launcher (so you can finally take your Barrett into every mission you need it).

Vehicles in Action Quake2
Quake2 basically provides 'train' like vehicles that follow a straight path along a few 'path_corner' way points. This suffices, indeed, for trains (for example, in the 'riot2' map by Ellusion) and elevators (for example, in the 'asylum' map by Holy Goat).
However, these basic Q2 'trains' limit mappers to 'straight line' vehicles, lacking further operating parts such as doors, breakable windows, etc. ('theist', by Steelhorn, is a great map featuring an escape vehicle, and 'beachassault' features a chopper).

I fancied something more like an armored personnel carrier: capable of both straight line and cornering movement, with an ramp (door) that can be operated whether driving or not, and capable of carrying things such as buttons and rotating parts.

After a week of studying, modifying and fighting the Q2 physics and WorldCraft, I managed to get something going.

use either the roof hatch or the vision block no substitute for grunt power... CGF desktop (click to access 60KB 1152x864 version)

The good news: I created a working APC, which I can enter, ride, and exit. I can manipulate rotating ramp door via the vehicle's buttons (driving or not), and the vehicle features a continuously rotating radar 'dish'.
The bad news: the Q2 physics seem to have a few limitations. When you ride the vehicle, your view angles don't turn when the vehicle turns. And you cannot ride on the the ramp door, when open.
Sometimes, you see a few artifacts because the vehicle parts don't move fully synchronized.

I'm willing to finalize the vehicle support (for both CGF and an AQ2 1.52 variant), provided a few 'renowned' mappers are willing to add vehicles to their maps. If you've crafted a few good AQ2 maps and you're enthusiastic about adding some 'real' armor, choppers, or landing crafts to your map, let me know.

Since there is some interest in my desktop background (a 'Quake Scene Builder' constructed set with a SEAL team consisting of Q2 males, featuring standard and new AQ2 weapons), it is now available via the image above (at 1152 x 864).


Old News

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send them here
CGF is written by William van der Sterren. All content is © William van der Sterren unless otherwise stated.
Action Quake2 is written by, and ©, the A-Team
CGF website designed by Cube, © 1999. Best viewed @ 800x600 HiColor in a version 4 browser.
And yes, a large number of bots were hurt during the photo sessions (but they fell in the line of duty).

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