Sniping information [development shot]

An SAS bot sniping on a rooftop

Two bots advancing [but crossing the road the safe way]

Hosted by:
Bot Epidemic

Visitor #: 29982

Latest news on CGFThe CGF conceptTechnical CGF information [AI and design]Got a CGF question? Read this firstHow to script CGF missions yourselfGet your CGF files and missions hereLinks to related sites [such as AQ2 or AI sites]

This page lists the CGF downloads. These include:

If you're new to CGF, you need to download the CGF 0.80 beta and the CGF Launcher files.

When you are already running CGF, make sure you've got the latest version of the CGF Launcher (1.50 or newer) and download CGF 0.80.

Though the 11 new weapons are optional, a number of CGF missions depends on the new weapon looks and sounds; I strongly suggest you download all three archives.

CGF (bot) Binaries

  • CGF 0.81 release notes

  • CGF 0.81 (0.9MB, Dec 25, 1999)
    includes terrain files, mission, script checker (but requires launcher)

  • CGF 0.81 upgrade from 0.80 (0.6MB, Dec 25, 1999)
    upgrades CGF 0.80 to 0.81 with new gamex86.dll, riotx support, "SEAL" skins

  • stand-alone script checker (part of the release)
    cgfparser.exe [Win9X/NT only, Nov 24, 1999, .zip, 69KB]
    (command line) input: the script file,
    (console) output: formatted script and errors, if applicable

CGF Launcher Binaries (created by Ross "JoeSatch" Norton)

Need some more Ooompfh to complete that mission? Just pick the tools you need! Managing the increasing amount of missions by filtering the missions for your favourite map only Wanna show your friends you didn't get wiped out by the CGF? Record and play back demo's of your Action!

Borderfield's CGF Mission Editor Binaries (created by Incubus One)

Borderfield editor: adding patrol commands the easy way I'm gonna edit me some side kicks and handcannons! - p1_lightbeam CGF test with modified screen texture :) Borderfield editor: adding and defining a team member with 'point'n'click'

Mission Scripts

CGF 0.80 includes a good deal of missions, but the CGF fan sites host far more. So go visit them.

Terrain (route) files and maps

CGF 0.80 ships with a good deal of terrain files. In addition, CGF 0.80 allows you to create you own route files for a number of maps. However, CGF, at this time, has troubles dealing with natural terrain, trains, land mines, button operated doors; I ask you not to create and release terrain files for those maps. Go here for a 'terrain file creation tutorial'.

The images below illustrate the maps supported (out of the box). Click the map picture to download the map file (from the AQMD).

urban by Gerbil! city by Ruskprick downtown by Cougar

actcity2 by CryptR monastery by KongFoo urban2 by Gerbil!

riot by Ellusion coverme by Sir Francis p1_lightbeam by Tristan 'P' Temple

RiotX by Ellusion

Additional (optional) weapons

To enhance the squad-on-squad experience, CGF now hosts almost a dozen 'replacement' weapons (they act like the normal AQ2 weapons, but look and sound different).
Most of these were provided (with permission) by the Terror Quake2 team and the Navy Fortress team, but the old hand cannon and Odd-Jobs tommy gun are included as well. (Wrt to the Terror and Navy Fortress weapons: if you intend to use the weapons outside CGF, you need permission from these mod teams).

With help from MP*Canus and Lennon, these weapons were converted to the AQ2 weapon frame sequences, lots of VWEPs were created, and some skins improved. As a result, this is probably the biggest bot supported weapon collection :).

AK97 submachinegun (from NF) Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle (TQ) and H&K UMP-45 (NF) Ithaca Model37 shotgun (from NF)

Below, you'll find the various .zip files:

  • Barrett, UZI, AK47:
    (Terror Quake2, 4.5MB download, info)
    new weapons, sounds, vweps
    vweps: male, female, sas, messiah, terror, aqmarine, crakhor, sydney
  • UMP-45, MAC-10, AK97, Beretta 92F, Dragunov, Ithaca Model37:
    (Navy Fortress, 5.6MB download, info)
    new weapons, sounds, vweps
    vweps: male, female (AK97), sas, messiah, actionmale, aqmarine, terror
  • old-style hand cannon, tommygun:
    (1.3MB download, info)
    vweps: male, sas, messiah, aqmarine, oddjob, sydney, terror

Preview Material

  • CGF for ActionQ2 preview movie (Feb 6, 1999)
    Q2 movie (.dm2), 4.5 minutes, showing off CGF capabilities in 3 fire team assault on a sniper tower on the Urban map. You'll see:
    • squad / fire team behavior
    • suppressive fire, use of cover
    • dedicated sniper + spotter AI
    • bounding overwatch pullbacks and assaults
    You'll need AQ2 and the urban map to view the movie.
    You can view the movie's plot and action in Cube's preview at Bot Epidemic.

Miscellaneous and Spin Offs

  • breakable glass for AQ2 (go here for more info)
    • additional code and modified AQ2 files
      (C and C++ versions included, delta info in header file)
      [100KB, Jun 12 1999]
      Note that this code has been incorporated in AQ2 1.52, the latest official AQ2 release.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Send them here
CGF is written by William van der Sterren. All content is © William van der Sterren unless otherwise stated.
Action Quake2 is written by, and ©, the A-Team
CGF website designed by Cube, © 1999. Best viewed @ 800x600 HiColor in a version 4 browser.
And yes, a large number of bots were hurt during the photo sessions (but they fell in the line of duty).

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