AQ2: LTK TBMContents: A brief history of
AQ2, LTK, and TBM About LTK TBM
Startup tips
- good place to get started Credits Contact info and the
site Copyright Info
A brief history of AQ2, LTK, and TBM
Quake 2 was created by id
Software. The game was predominantly a single-player first person shooter
where you're a marine fighting against a variety of "stroggs" which are
basically half robot, half human (or alien). Quake 2 does have multiplayer
capabilities but was not originally well developed.
Akimbo Team Production
(formally known as "The A-Team") decided to use Quake 2 as the base for Action Quake 2. Their aim
was to produce a mod which had the flare of the movies on the silver screen
combined with realistic guns, settings (maps), sounds, and best of all,
realistic locational damage. One well-placed shot can and will kill. AQ2
continues to have the largest active community of all Q2 mods.
One downfall of AQ2 is that it never had bots. The A-Team left that up to the
community. Several bot mods floated around but few were stable or realistic (one
in particular was infamous for instant headshots from across the map). License
to Kill was a favorite to several AQ2 players. It provided a simple multiplayer
style bot with adjustable skill. For most players, it was sufficient although
the bots often fell off buildings, killed themselves, or got stuck on ladders or
in corners. Several players experienced stability issues. When the developer
halted development and released the code, several people dabbled with the code
but nothing was released. Until now...
mSparks took the source for LTK and combined it with his own pathfinder
project and LTK TBM was formed. The Borg Matrix bots are far superior to LTK
bots. They choose their weapons according to the map and how well they've done
with the weapon in the past. They also modify their fighting style according to
the players they're playing against. If a human player is a complete newb, the
bots will be easier. On the other hand, if a human player is an experienced AQ2
player, the bots will be harder on them. The bots will even gang up on specific
In addition to the enhanced AI, LTK TBM also adds some other elements to the
game. With the help of Q2Ice, LTK TBM has a much-improved GUI with
most of the AQ2-specific commands included (AQ2 players are usually stuck with
the regular Q2 GUI). The facelift does not stop there however. With the help of
the AQ2 retexturing project, most of the maps have new 32-bit textures. AQ2
never looked so delicious.
Some other improvements include much higher stability, several server
variables (for controlling how many bots and which team), a new weapon (sword),
and mission support. So get some buddies together and fight some bots or just
start up a server by yourself. Don't forget, you can still join standard AQ2
servers as well!
LTK TBM Startup tips
Before you jump into a game, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
First of all, this game is completely compatible with Action Quake 2 servers.
Everything you find on the net for AQ2 will probably work for LTKTBM. If you're
an AQ2 vet, commands are consistent with AQ2 1.52 so you can use your old
configs! Custom skins, gun models, crosshairs, HUDs, etc also work. The only
exception is maps. Although any map will run with LTKTBM, you won't get the
quality performance from the bots that you get from maps released with LTKTBM.
More route files will be available at the website and old LTK route files can be
made to work with LTKTBM. More information on that is available in
If you're new to AQ2 completely, there are some very important points you
need to be aware of. Most of these sections tell you to change your key settings
in the options menu. You can jump to that menu by hitting F4 in-game.
Bandaging: When you get shot in AQ2, you experience immediate
health loss and will continue to bleed until you bandage. You have to hit your
bandage key or else you'll bleed to death. If you get shot in the
legs, you'll limp. Bandaging will fix your limping as well. You need to be
careful while bandaging since you put your gun away and are defenseless for 30
seconds. Your bandage key can be changed in the options menu but you can also
bind it manually by typing bind x bandage (where "x" is the key you
want to use) in the console (hit the ~ key).
Weapons and Items: On most servers you can only carry 2 weapons,
your pistol, which cannot be dropped, and a special weapon. In teamplay mode you
can choose which weapon when you join the server. In deathmatch mode, the
special weapons are scattered across the map and you have to pick them up. You
also have a knife in case you completely run out of ammo. You'll also have to
reload your weapon when the clip is empty. The key for reloading can be changed
in the options menu or by typing bind x reload in the console. Most
weapons have different "modes". You can bind a key to switch through the modes
in the options menu or type bind x weapon in the console. There are
also special items in AQ2. Some improve your weapons while others have other
advantages. More information on weapons and items can be found in Weapons and Items.
Doors: The only time a door has ever opened as I approached it was
while walking into Pick'n'Save. Every other door I've walked through, I've had
to open myself. In AQ2, you have to open doors by hitting a key. You can change
which key you want to use in the options menu or by typing bind x
opendoor in the console.
Radio: In teamplay mode, you can use the radio to communicate with
your team mates (including bots) or partner without typing and pulling you away
from the action. These commands are not yet included in the options menu and are
rather complicated. If you feel gutsy and want to try them out, check out AQ2 Commands.
Bots: Of course the feature of this nifty game you've downloaded is
the AI. There are a few things you can do to control the bots. You can set most
of these when you start a game but here are the commands and a little about what
they do:
sv addbot |
adds a bot. typing sv addbot 1 adds a bot to team 1 and
likewise for team 2 in teamplay mode |
sv removebot [bot name] |
removes a bot. ie. sv removebot madfragz removes the bot
named madfragz from the game |
sv removebot all |
removes all bots from the game |
ltk_skill [#] |
sets the skill level of the bots. You can set the skill anywhere from
1 to 10. |
numbotsteam1 / numbotsteam2 |
sets the number of bots to be on team 1 or 2 |
maxclients [#] |
the server will add/remove bots to keep the number of players
constant. make sure this number is lower than the number of clients your
server will accept! |
Other: More AQ2 server/player commands including a more complete
list of commands is available in AQ2 Commands.
This should be enough to get you started. Jump on a server or start your own
and let the killing begin.
A lot of people have helped this project directly and indirectly. All
material and ideas used in LTK TBM was used with permission from the responsible
party. Thanks to:
id for developing Quake2 A-Team Productions for developing AQ2 Connor
"RiEvEr" Caple for developing LTK thus far Idle for developing Q2Ice
everyone who's working on the AQ retexturing project and many, many
more... please see The Credits for a
complete list.
The best way to contact mSparks for giving input or getting help is through
the forums on the site. Links are provided below. If you've noticed typos,
innacurate info, or would like to see more in this guide, email smurphster.
the Official LTK TBM
site Online
Support forums - TBM's forum and bug reports are here TBM's profile - on ModDB
Copyright and Permissions
Copyright � 2003. All rights reserved.
This program may not be distributed on any CD-ROM without prior, explicit
consent from the author. It may be freely distributed over the internet as long
as the entire archive is in-tact.
This game may not be used for any commercial uses without explicit consent.
The source for Quake 2 was released under GPL by id Software and can be
obtained from their site
The source for AQ2 was released by ATeam Productions and can be obtained from
The source for License to Kill (LTK) bots was released by Connor Caple and
can be obtained from